Hey there my lovely top dreamers and book lovers! How are you? Are you enjoying the beautiful days? Whether it is a cold Saturday or rainy Sunday, there is really no better place to unwind than a cozy reading zone. Creating a comfy spot away from lap top, tv and office and the will help you to actually take a step back and relax. If you have ever thought of turning your empty corner into a beautiful and functional nook, then go ahead, do it!
To help you find the nook you need, we have rounded up 10 magnificent reading nooks that will blow your mind. From extra cozy to super stylish, these serene spots are truly magical.
Cozy Winter Nooks

Simply pick a quite zone in your home away from the noise, and decorate it with anything that will make you feel relaxed and calm. Whether it be a cozy and warm fur blankets, lots of colorful pillows, comfortable cushions or even some romantic candles, simply design your reading space with comfort in mind.

Let these amazing nooks inspire you to find a place in your apartment or house that would become a doorway to the magic of books.

Think about the lighting. The best reading nooks are near windows, with natural light. But, if you can’t place it near a window, then you should definitely think about incorporating artificial lighting.

Your nook should be attractive and very comfortable, and need to encourage you to come here from time to time.

You can choose a small bed, lounge chair, hanging chair or arm chair and add some extra cushions to increase the comfort. A small table or night table will be very useful when you want to leave the cup of tea or book.

So, what do you think about these cozy reading nooks my dear people? Do you find them attractive and comfortable? Which reading nook design is your favorite and would you like to incorporate in your space? I would love to know your opinion, so please share your comments with me! If you have some other suggestions or ideas, please share them too – I would love to see everything you have to show me! Thank you for reading! Enjoy in the rest of your day and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer!