10 Spring Garden Flower To Bring Freshness In Your Live


Stylish arranged garden means that you have an fresh and intimate place for relaxation. It is good to refresh and arrange your garden according to weather season and you will always have where to rest yourself, alone or with your friends. And now, it is time to arrange your garden in a spring spirit. There are wonderful spring garden flowers which will bring freshness in your garden and in your live. More of the spring garden flowers are colorful and refresh-able. Some of them grow up like a trees, such as lilac, but most of them are a classic flowers, so you can plant wherever you want in the garden.

Below follow a list of 10 spring garden flower, which will obligatory bring a freshness in your garden. Let’s arrange your garden for a spring and make it a place where you will spend your time resting and relaxing!! Enjoy the spring!


Photo via bhg.com

Iris Reticulata Harmony

Photo via panoramio.com


Photo via vanengelen.com

‘Miniature Snowflake’ Mock Orange

Photo via bhg.com

‘Pink Discovery’ Azalea

Photo via alittleloveliness.blogspot.com

Forget Me Not

Photo via hgtv.com

Summer Snowflake

Photo via teddingtongardener.com

Magnolia Stellata

Photo via mooseyscountrygarden.com


Photo via mooseyscountrygarden.com

Spring Camellias

Photo via mooseyscountrygarden.com