Do you dream for a fairy tale garden? Dream no more, here are some adorable ideas that will make your garden and home even more beautiful.
We present you 14 Fabulous and Cute Mini Fairy Gardens
Mini birdhouse fairy tale garden
We all have different taste when it comes to gardening. Some like it wild looking, others like to keep it clean and neat and there are people that like cute mini fairy gardens. Here is an idea for a mini birdhouse fairy garden, if you desire to know how is it made click on the source link below.

Fairy tale garden
Although this is a mini fairy garden, it can serve like an idea how to rearrange and decorate your garden in actual size.
Fairy garden seats
Every fairy garden needs seats. Make it whatever material you prefer from it will look absolutely adorable.
Fairy garden coffee table
People say that green rest your eyes. When you really need that cup of coffee, this table will rest your eyes in the same time. Although this is an actual size table i think it will look great in miniature size in the fairy garden.
An interesting idea how to use those old fish bowls or even old jars to make your home and garden a little bit more diverse.
Hanging Garden
This is another way how to decorate your porch. This type of gardening is originated from The Hanging Gardens of Babylon which is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Although it’s location is unknown, it found it’s way to our gardens with it’s unique beauty.

Flower pot fairy garden
Everyone that likes gardening, likes flowers. If you like flowers you surely have flower pots. This is an idea how to make a fairy garden from flower pots.

Fairy gardening
It is details that makes something beautiful and unique. This is an excellent detail to your fairy garden.
Tea cup garden
A simple use of an old tea cup turned into a fairy garden. Simple things sometimes take your breath away.

Fairy garden with a fairy house
This is an idea how your fairy garden should look. You can put some small details like a welcome sign attached above the fairy house door.

Woodland fairy house
Simple but beautiful. Make a fairy house and place it into a flower pot along with the flowers.

Lighting a fire in the fairy garden
Another great detail. A fire place in the fairy garden.
Fairy house for the fairy garden

Fairy garden wishing well
Wouldn’t be great if every wish you spoke out loud in front of a well will become true? Either way water is a source of life and every fairy garden should have a well. Would it be for the wishes come true or just to have a sip of cold water under the warm sun.