Every woman enjoys going to the manicure salon, so that she can get her nails done. But if women know some nail hacks, their lives could be much more easier. So that is why we are always here to help you with some ideas. For today we have prepared 14 Nail Hacks That Every Woman Must Know. We hope that you will like them, because they will for sure save you some time and money for not going to the manicure salon every time you need to. So, let’s begin!
If you are on the go and do not want to ruin your freshly manicure put your nails in a cold water for three minutes because this is the quickest way to dry your nail polish.

If you want to remove your nail polish easily, follow this step-by-step tutorial. Cut strips of cotton about the size of your nails, dip them in nail polish remover and place them on your nails. Let them soak for a moment and remove them. Your nail polish will be removed.

With the use of a gauze, acetone and thin foil, you can easily remove your gel nail polish without going to the manicure saloon. Check out the instructions below.

And if you want to easily remove a glitter nail polish, make sure you apply a coat of glue before applying the nail polish.

If you break your nail, keep calm get a nail glue, nail file, a tea bag and a base coat and follow this tutorial that shows you how easily you can fix your broken nail.

If you want to fix a smudged polish, lightly lick the nail with the tip of your tongue.

Make your own glitter nail polish by using a clear nail polish and a craft glitter or an eye shadow.

And if you want to make a matte top coat, mix cornstarch and a clear nail polish until it gets milky white.

If a dotted pattern is one of your favorite nail designs, make yourself a dotting tool. Get a pencil with an eraser and a pin and just stick the pin into the eraser.

Store your nail polishes in the fridge for a smoother application as well as for a longer usage.

Use a rubber band to get the perfect French tip.

Follow this guide for perfect mani-pedi polish pairings.

The following tutorial will teach you how to have healthier nails.

If you want to apply your nail polish like a pro, follow this guide.