The weather is colder and colder and it is already time to prepare for winter. Prepare gloves, scarfs, boots and warmers. Maybe you want to buy some new winter stuffs, but you can make the new ones by yourself or remodeling the old ones. And to help with that I prepare for you today 15 DIY fashion winter projects.
Why don’t you use the cheaper and more creative way for preparing winter clothes? It is also more interesting, to make a gloves or scarf or warmer by yourself. You can use the old things and get new ones modern in the same time. And to learn how to do that look below the gallery and choose your favorite project. Some of these stuffs you can buy, but most of them you can make by yourself. Look the gallery and let’s enjoy the cold weather!!
Sew Comfy Wristwarmers
Old Large Sweatshirt + Buttons + Sewing Machine