If you have some tree in your backyard or front yard, you may think about creating a flower bed around it. This will instantly change the whole look of the yard and the flowers will for sure beautify it. So, today, we would like to show you several such Eye-Catching Flower Beds Around Trees that you may get inspired from.
Planting some flowers around a tree may seem to you like a simple process, but still there are some things that need to be considered. First, it is important to trim away few of the lower branches to allow light to come under the tree. You shouldn’t make a raised bed because this won’t create better soil for the flowers. It may even harm or kill the tree. You should plant in holes to avoid damage to the tree’s shallow root system. Also, you shouldn’t plant large plants. This is because they can grow too high even through the tree’s lower branches. So, look for some low growing plants. Such plants can be lilies, violets, daffodils, primrose, wild ginger, coral bells, stone crop, shooting star etc. Scroll down now to see our collection of flower beds around trees and get inspired to create one in your yard too. Enjoy!
SEE ALSO: 11 Impressive Garden Edging Ideas With Pebbles And Rocks
15 Eye-Catching Flower Beds Around Trees

These flower beds are quite versatile in terms of the plants used. Also, they differ in their edging. Some of these flower beds have edgings made out of versatile materials. Such materials can be rocks, pebbles, bricks, wooden logs, palettes etc. You can even make edging out of some repurposed items, such as plates, glass bottles, cinder block, terracotta pots etc. Garden edging serves to beautify the lawn, to keep animals away from plants as well as to create a visual reminder for the kids to stay out of flowerbeds.

So, how do you like the above flower beds around trees? Would you choose to make some for your yard, or do you prefer to see the tree, just as it is. Tell us in the comments and if you choose to make one follow the tips that we have mentioned above. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other decoration ideas for your outdoor space.