15 Functional Basement Home Offices You Need To See


Nowadays, many people are able to work from home and thus have their own work spaces in their home. The space can be either a desk and a chair placed in some corner of the room, a closet turned into an office or maybe even a whole room turned into an office. If you have some space available in the basement, you can turn it into a functional home office.

Basement home offices are the best ones for having a private space separated from the rest of the home. They cut down the noise and visual disturbances, so if you have some unused space in the basement do not hesitate to turn into your own work space. Before you start planning the space, make sure to check the stability of the space, the waterproofing, and maybe even make a space for an egress window to serve as an emergency exit. Another thing that you should consider when turning the basement into an office is the entrance. If you are working alone then you don’t need a separate entrance and can simple go down the stairs whenever you want to. but if you have constant clients that come to your office to make some deals, then you should consider making a new entrance.

SEE ALSO: Cool Basement Remodeling Ideas That You Have To See

basement home offices
Photo via: bostonglobe.com
Photo via: houzz.com
Photo via: celinachurches.org
Photo via: houzz.com
Photo via: houzz.com

Another thing that you need to consider before turning the basement into an office is the space available. If there is an abundance of it, then you can decorate it in the way you like. And if there is not too much of it, then you should consider using space-saving furniture, so that you can use the most of the space. Wall mounted units are great choice for storing all of the necessary books, papers and files in order to keep everything organized.

basement home office
Photo via: top100design.com
Photo via: culatero.com
Photo via: culatero.com
Photo via: freshhome.ro
Photo via: onestopcloser.com

And of course another important thing that you need to consider when decorating a basement home office is the lighting. Pendant and table lamps are great choice. Also, if there is a chance for incorporating a window, you should definitely have one, because it is beneficial to have more natural lighting.

Photo via: 99flooring.com
Photo via: trendhomedsgn.com
Photo via: home-designing.com
Photo via: designcollector.net
home office
Photo via: lifestyleresidencies.com

If you have a space available in the basement, then you should not hesitate to turn it into a functional home office. You will enjoy working there, separated from all the noise and disturbance. Tell us in the comments which one from the above home office designs is your favorite and of course, don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other interior design ideas for your home decor inspiration.