Hey ladies with brown eyes, this post is only for you – 20 makeup tutorials for brown eyes.
That you have a brown eyes like almost a half of population doesn’t mean you can’t look striking and irresistibly. Below follow makeup tutorials for brown eyes ladies to look observed and memorable in a every occasion.
There are many colors which go fantastic with brown eyes. Depends of occasion, but you can use very neutral colors, like peach, some lights colors or even brown and combine them with little darker eyeliner. In that way your eye will be really highlight and you will look amazing. But for really spectacular look, there are a metallic tones such as bronze, gold, browns, pinks and even blues. They will highlight your eyes even more. And one more color which go incredible with brown eyes is purple. And to see how looks all that I ex-plane and to learn how to makeup your brown eyes perfectly, look below the gallery. Choose the make up for occasion you need and look striking and irresistibly.
Full tutorial you will find here