5 Traveller’s ‘Must-Haves’ for When you’re Headed to Pakistan


The world is yet to explore the touristic wonders scattered in Pakistan – a country known best for its diverse topography and the unmatched hospitality of its people. While the number of people included in the list of those deprived of this mesmerizing experience is reducing, there are many who can’t help but visit the country again.  

You can search online to find out how and why they liked their trip and feel inspired to get ready for an enthralling and highly affordable vacation. This blog aims to offer assistance to the first-time travellers heading to Pakistan this summer or anytime of the year. 


Clothing choice

At any time of the year, you might find the temperature vary at a fair degree in different parts of the country. Some parts in the north are too cold for a summer vacation, especially after the sunsets. Visiting these areas, especially the towns and resorts located along the Karakoram Highway is possible mostly in summer. You can read stories regarding hospitality and nobility of these villages such as Shimshal Valley in a report shared by BBC.

Anyway, bring along some warm clothes including pullovers, jackets, a pair of socks and a muffler. 

In terms of your choice for attire, opting for modest dresses would be a sane choice to make. I particularly mean shirts and lowers that aren’t revealing or show a lot of skin. The female travellers should bring a headscarf in the case they decide to visit some famous mosque or a local shrine.

A reliable contact in Pakistan

Getting in touch with a local who can guide you about the areas to explore or may accompany you there isn’t hard. Many Pakistanis have set up their Facebook pages offering details on town and areas international tourists might like to explore; Let’s Go to Pakistan is one of these. In addition, you can also hire services of professional guides on the recommendation of your consulate in Pakistan. 

The biggest benefit of having a friend or personal connection in Pakistan is the opportunity to know the local cultures and traditions. This person will show you the sides of Pakistan which most professional guides can easily miss. For instance, a local guide might won’t be able to take you to a wedding ceremony or a seasonal festival. 

In addition, keeping in touch with this local friend can also help you finalize details on your next trip, which you are quite likely to crave for. Not to mention, you can save a good amount of bucks by staying at his place. For this purpose, follow the protocol and keep your embassy updated on your whereabouts. For saving money on your accommodation, you can also rent a house or a portion of it online through Pakistan-based property portals such as Zameen.com

You won’t find certain drugs here

Getting engaged in recreational drugs experiences in Pakistan is the last thing on travellers’ mind. You might also not find many here who approve of such activities. So no soul-awakening ‘ayahuasca’ trip to uncover the other dimensions awaits you here but a whole lot of sites and places that require you to keep your senses fully intact. 

In addition, if you are on any medication, bring your dose along as you won’t find these available in remote areas and town. If you allergic to some medicine and might need their alternate, bring these along. Your stomach might also not agree with the change of environment, food and water here, so come prepared. Not to mention that you can avoid all kinds of health issues in Pakistan by starting off with local food items in smaller quantities. 

Watch out for the sunlight

No matter what time of the year you visit Pakistan, most areas here receive a good amount of gorgeous sunlight for at least 12 hours a day. Your skin might be alien to the high intensity of sunlight Pakistanis are blessed to experience. To protect yourself from experiencing any suntan or sunburns, bring along suitable skincare products including sunscreens, moisturizers and anti-tan creams. At the same time, we recommend you to not avoid getting out during the daytime because that’s when you see and experience the real beauty of Pakistan. 

The right devices to document your journey

Travelling is mostly about having a new experience and most of us cannot do without keeping a record of it. Be it taking pictures, live streaming your particular experiences or making a full-fledged documentary, all of this can be done best here due to angles at which the sunlight beams in the country. You will certainly regret not bringing along a good camera to document your journey. Many bloggers also carry drones to film the stunning beauty of Pakistan’s northern areas and they are doing pretty good. 

Even if you aren’t into sharing your travel experience with the world, your friends and family should definitely know what you saw and experienced here. So make sure they get a good account of it. 

With these tips share above, we hope you will have a great time discovering Pakistan and its culture. Please ensure that you follow the directions given by the officers in your respective consulate in Pakistan and abstain from activities that can offend the locals.