For many people, living room space just never seems enough especially in urban centers where homes are quite small. If you do endeavour a relocation to such a place, where space is rare and you have to use it to its maximum capacity, then you have some homework to do. If you use these tricks, however, you can maximize your living room space even without having to carry out property renovation to create more space. That, or just call the moving company and find yourself a better flat or house for the movers to take you to.
1- Use vertical storage: Storage space that goes upwards will ensure that you can store much more. Adding vertical shelves means you can store more in a particular area. And moving items about will be much easier when you can actually stand in front of the stands. There are many DIY tricks you can make use of, so go online and see how many cool types of vertical storage you can pick up.
2- Have built in storage: When carrying out home renovation, you may want to consider installing shelves that are built within the wall. This frees up more space for other items like furniture. Or after the house moving and relocation you can keep the boxes and make the best out of them and add layered storage.
3- Fold away furniture: Fold away furniture offer the opportunity to use the same space for different things just by folding the furniture. Think about also a combination between built in and folding furniture – that way you can have whole dining tables which you can pull from out of the wall, or unfold from a high counter.
4- Corner furniture: Maximize the space by having furniture that fit into the corners. This is stylish but it will also free up more space. Corners should not always be used to stash things you couldn’t find a place for after the removals services are done. Use them practically and make the most out of them.
5- Transformer Furniture: Furniture with built-in storage can maximize space. A coffee table that can transform into a raised desk and has drawers is a great way to save space for more stuff. And call your moving company for a furniture removals job if you have any extra furniture you don’t need – every piece of space you can get will be a plus, so make use however you can.