6 Most Common Causes Of The Road Accidents Involving Cyclists


Cycling is a popular form of transportation among people of all ages and backgrounds. However, it can be hazardous — road accidents involving cyclists are an unfortunately common occurrence across the world, resulting in serious injuries or even death. In this blog post, we will explore the most common causes of road accidents to raise awareness about bicycle safety and help prevent these accidents in the future.  We will also look at how we can reduce the risk of cycling-related accidents and ensure that everyone who chooses to cycle is safe on the roads.  Read on to learn more about bicycle safety and staying safe!

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents involving cyclists. When drivers are distracted, they can have difficulty seeing and reacting to bicycle riders on the road. Distracted driving activities include texting while driving, talking on the phone, eating or drinking while driving, adjusting music or radio settings, and more. All of these activities take away from a driver’s attention and can lead to dangerous situations for bikers. 

Huntsville is known for a good number of bike riders and therefore it is especially important to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Cyclists that got hurt in this way worked with a Huntsville bicycle accident lawyer to recuperate the losses. It’s important for drivers and cyclists alike to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving and take measures to ensure that everyone on the road is safe.


Speeding is another huge case of accidents involving bicycle riders. When drivers are traveling at high speeds, they can have difficulty seeing and responding to bike riders on the road. They may not see a person until it’s too late or they may misjudge the distance between them due to their speed. Additionally, speeding increases the risk of serious injury to bikers if an accident does occur. 

Speeding is illegal and comes with a variety of consequences, not just for the driver but also for anyone involved in an accident. It’s important for drivers to always obey posted speed limits and be aware of their speed when driving. Cyclists should also be mindful of their surroundings and avoid riding in areas where cars are known to be speeding. By taking steps to reduce speed, we can help make the roads safer for everyone.

Not Leaving A Buffer

Not leaving a buffer is a gargantuan mistake that drives often make. When drivers follow too closely behind people on bikes, they don’t leave enough time to react if something unexpected happens. They may not be able to stop in time or make quick maneuvers if necessary, leading to dangerous situations for both bicycle riders and drivers. 

Following too closely increases the risk of serious injury if an accident occurs and can also be confusing for bikers who may not expect a car to be so close. It’s important for drivers to always leave a safe following distance when driving near cyclists, usually three to four seconds behind them.

Turning Without Checking

Turning without checking is another dangerous habit of people behind the wheel. When drivers fail to check their blind spots or turn without signaling, they can easily miss a cyclist who might be in their path. Without warning or time to react, bicycle riders can find themselves in dangerous situations with little chance of avoiding an accident. 

It’s important for drivers to always check their blind spots and signal when turning. It’s also crucial for riders to be aware of their surroundings and avoid riding in blind spots where cars may not see them. By following proper safety protocols, we can help reduce the risk of accidents involving cyclists.

Image source:https://unsplash.com/photos/OFyh9TpMyM8

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is another major danger that faces bikers when on the road. When drivers are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can have difficulty seeing and reacting to people on bikes on the road. Furthermore, drunk drivers may not be able to make quick decisions or maneuvers if necessary, leaving them in dangerous situations with little chance of avoiding an accident.

Drivers should never get behind the wheel when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as it puts themselves and others at risk. People on bicycles should also take extra precautions in areas where drunk driving is known to be common and avoid riding near cars that appear to be driven erratically.

Failing To Yield

Failing to yield is another common accident that includes bikers. When drivers fail to yield at stop signs or lights, they put themselves and others at risk. Drivers may not see a cyclist approaching until it’s too late or they may misjudge their speed, leading to dangerous situations with little chance of avoiding an accident.

It’s important for drivers to always obey traffic laws and be aware of their surroundings when driving. People should be mindful of cars at intersections and avoid riding in areas with congested traffic.

In conclusion, there are a variety of causes of road accidents involving cyclists. Drivers should always obey posted speed limits, leave a safe following distance, check their blind spots and signal when turning, never get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and yield at stop signs and lights. By following proper safety protocols, we can help make the roads safer for everyone.