There are times when we should just not be behind the wheel. When we feel we’re in no condition to drive, then we shouldn’t mess with it and grab our keys and hit the road. Here is a list of conditions that can affect your ability to safely be on the roads:
What Should You Do?
It might seem that this will never happen to us, but if you think so, you may also assume that you’ll never get tangled up in a car accident either. But what happens when you do? It’s important to know which conditions could cause such an event and what the outcomes could turn out like for both parties involved—including yourself!
When To Avoid Driving?
- You’re Under The Influence
Don’t drink and drive. This is an obvious “no-no”. Not only is it illegal to do so, but you could kill someone. This also includes drugs and any kind of medication that may potentially hinder your driving abilities.
- Drowsiness
As we discussed above, driving while exhausted can be just as bad as drinking and driving, or if not worse. You could fall asleep at the wheel and cause a major accident for yourself and other people on the road with you, especially those in your car with you during such times. If you find yourself sleepy behind the wheel, pull over somewhere safe where you won’t put others in danger by falling asleep at the wheel. If this happens to you and someone else causes an accident, you should listen to professionals like the Las Vegas drowsy driving car accident lawyer firm. They agree that being tired simply does not give drivers the quick-thinking skills that are essential to safe driving.
- Car Sickness
Car sickness should not take place when there are too many vehicles on the road with us. If you have a bad case of it while driving, pull off at the nearest freeway exit and get some fresh air. Driving with car sickness is very dangerous for both you and others on the road with you since you’re likely to get carsick again or even pass out from it.
- Injury
You should not be behind the wheel if you are currently injured in any way that may hinder your ability to control a vehicle properly. This can include broken bones, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and anything else along those lines. Also, do NOT drive after surgery; it doesn’t matter if they hurt badly or not; if they hurt enough to make controlling a vehicle difficult or painful for you, then don’t risk it! Hire a taxi instead until the pain goes away. If the pain doesn’t stop after seeking medical attention, then don’t drive until it stops. It’s not worth your or anyone else’s life if you can’t control a vehicle safely through this type of pain.
- Eye Problems
If you have an eye problem such as blurred vision or other issues, don’t get behind the wheel! Even if you feel fine and the issue is only temporary, pulling over somewhere safe to fix whatever might be wrong with your eyesight before driving will help keep everyone on the surrounding roads a lot safer. This applies to those wearing glasses as well since their corrective lenses aren’t going to be that helpful in case they suddenly slip off during a car accident unexpectedly.
- Diseases
Before getting behind the wheel, make sure that you know whether your body is healthy enough for driving. If you have an illness such as a cold, fever, and other similar conditions, then you shouldn’t be driving until the symptoms go away completely. Even if you’re taking medicine for it to help reduce the symptoms before they get worse; consider what could happen if the effects of those medications were to wear off while behind the wheel.
The last thing you want is for yourself (or anyone else) to get hurt because of your condition! Plus, don’t even think about getting behind the wheel if you’ve been diagnosed with something like epilepsy or any other kind of neurological disorder that could potentially hinder your ability to control a vehicle properly without warning. It’s worth noting that some of these conditions, such as car sickness, for example, are quite common and easily treated. However, if you think it might be something more serious or have any other questions about the matter, then it’s best to seek medical attention before taking the wheel again.
Never drive when you are incapacitated due to a serious medical condition. Persons with these conditions should refrain from driving until they have recovered and resumed treatment as necessary. People who experience symptoms such as blurred vision, disorientation, fatigue, chest pain or other heart problems, seizures, diabetes, or vision problems should not start the car until they feel fully safe and in control of their faculties.