6 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Home Alarm System


If you are looking for a way to keep your family safe, there are a vast number of options in the security industry that will suit your needs. Have you ever asked yourself what attracts burglars to homes and what doesn’t? A study done by the University of North Carolina concluded that 60% of convicted burglars changed their minds about robbing a home once they noticed a security system. Additionally, losses due to burglary are, on average, four hundred dollars less if the homeowner has a burglary system in place to alarm them.

With so many companies to choose from in the home security alarm business, how do you know which one is best for your individual needs?

The first thing to do when choosing a home alarm security company is to look past the advertising. It is important to weigh all options, including price and availability, and not just to pick one at random because you recognized the name. Since you have so much riding on the security of your home system, it is important to know exactly what you are getting and to make sure what you’re getting is what you need.

You should follow five tips when searching for new alarm systems.

  1. Research the installer

Before you choose which company to go with, consider who will be installing the home security system. It is not a good idea to let just anyone into your home. To find someone you can trust, you might want to do some research. A good resource is the Better Business Bureau, which will help you research the most reputable service in your area to ensure that they have a good track record before you hire them.

  1. Get estimates

Just like any other service that you have in your home, it is a good idea to take the time to compare estimates and to find out which is not only the most affordable option to install, but how much the security provider will cost per month. What might seem like a good deal upfront, might not be such a good deal down the road. If they charge you very little for installation, they will probably get their money back by charging more per month. To be smart, have a minimum of three security alarm providers give you an estimate so that you choose the right one for your budget.

  1. Make sure there aren’t any hidden fees

To make sure that you are getting exactly what you want, you will want to ask questions about the service and find out if there are any hidden charges that might not be mentioned. Often, the installation is a separate charge along with a monthly fee for service. To know for sure, ask about taxes, upgrades, and anything else that will be tacked onto the bill before you sign any contracts. Even if you ask, make sure to read the fine print so that you aren’t taken advantage of or sign anything that you will regret.

  1. Understand the conditions of the contract

You will want to know about things like termination charges, who owns the equipment should you move and other specifics about what you are signing up for. If you are signing a contract, you will want to know the duration of the contract and if the price will go up or down once your contractual agreement is up. Once you have a company install a home security system, you are going to be beholden to using their service, so it is imperative that you know what your responsibilities and obligations are.

  1. Know how it works

Have the installer go through how the system works in full detail. A security alarm system is only as good as the person who is operating it, so it is a good choice to let the installer walk you through the entire process so that you know how to operate your system from head to toe. Otherwise, you are guaranteed not to get the most out of it.

  1. Know what the equipment is

Ask the installer what equipment you will need and where you will need it. Make sure that you are covering the most vulnerable areas of your home and that you know how widespread the surveillance will be. An alarm system isn’t very good if it leaves the homeowner unprotected. When given the estimate, make sure you know what equipment it includes and what the equipment’s capabilities are.

Home security systems are a great way to keep your family safe. Before you choose a company, it is an excellent idea to get a couple of estimates, walk through the process, and ask the right questions before you sign any contracts.