7 Tips and Tricks To Make Your Acrylic Painting Stunning


Acrylic painting is an extremely, versatile painting technique that can be fun and easy to do. With these tips and tricks, your artwork will be amazing. You will find out how easy it is to create artwork that stands out from the rest. You will amaze yourself with the level of artwork you are capable of creating.

Acrylic paints can be used right out of the tube or thinned to resemble watercolors. This type of paint offers a wide range of colors, consistencies, and various textures. Everyone will enjoy how easy it is to learn the simple techniques of painting with acrylics.

Ready to put paint on that canvas? Not sure where or how to begin? These 7 Tips and Tricks are:

1. Brush Choice Matters

Brush choice is important. Acrylic specific brushes are usually synthetic, and they differ from watercolor and oil brushes. Be sure to have a selection of small tips to larger ones to be effective while painting. Filbert brushes are a great all-around brush. It’s a full, slightly rounded shape that works well for blending. Each artist will soon find their favorites, so it’s best to experiment with size and shape to find the brushes that work well for your style. Several quality brushes are good resource for beginners.

2. Aren’t All Acrylic Paints the Same?

In short, no. Acrylic paints are basically plastic. They consist of a polymer emulsion that has color pigment suspended in it. Acrylic paints will vary from by each brand. The amount of water in its ingredients will affect its consistency and how well you like to paint with it. Tip number two tests many brands until you find the one you love.

3. Paint Mixing

Mixing custom acrylic paint colors is valuable to every artist. The world is full of unique and vibrant colors, colors that can’t be put in a bottle. This is where paint mixing comes in. Keep in mind the color wheel as you get started. Tools needed to mix paints a color tray or spare palette board to put the colors on, and a palette knife, plastic knife or extra brush to stir with. Remember to mix well, and quickly (this paint dries fast) and that some colors may dry darker. Practice mixing paint to get the colors you want until you are comfortable doing so.

4. Misting

Acrylic paints dry very fast. To prevent this, only squeeze out a small amount or mix a little at a time. At times, this won’t be available to do. When this occurs keep a small spray bottle to nearby. Simply, mist the acrylic paint palette lightly and evenly to keep the paint from drying out.

5. Blotting

As you paint, a great habit to get into is to blot your brushes on a nearby paper towel or rag after rinsing. This keeps your brushes from having water droplets running down your bristles, causing inconsistencies in your paint thickness. It also helps with paint colors running or mixing together.

6. Hard and Straight Edges

Hand painting perfectly straight lines can be a challenge for the beginner. With acrylic paint, you can apply masking tape to form straight lines. Be certain the underlying paint is dry before applying the tape, and when removing use a slow, steady pressure to do so. This makes a crisp, sharp line that every beginner can use to make amazing artwork.

7. Blending

A fun technique to learn with acrylic paints is blending. This is a gradient-like effect where two colors blend into each other. To be effective at this, just start with one color, then rinse and blot your brush, dip into the other color and rapidly work into the original paint with back and forth strokes. Working wet paint into the wet paint is the easiest way to accomplish this trick, however, with practice, it can be done with dry paint, too.

Painting with acrylics is a fun hobby. Acrylic painting allows you to create beautiful pieces of art with ease. These tips and tricks will have you mastering those stunning pieces of art, today.