8 Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Ride On Lawn Mower


In this article, we will go over 8 questions you should be asking yourself before purchasing a ride-on lawnmower. Ride-on lawnmowers are a great way to save time and money – but there are some things that you need to know before buying one. We’ll talk about what type of riding lawn mower is right for your needs, how long it takes to maintain the machine, and more!

1. What size lawn do you have and how often will you use it

It is important to think about how often you plan to use your lawn before you purchase a ride-on mower. If your lawn is fairly small- just an acre or less, then it might be more sensible to have some type of walk behind the mower or push reel mower. A tractor ride-on includes the cost of fuel, maintenance, and the cost of power washing the machine after each time it is used.

Mowing can be fairly expensive, so care should be taken not to spend more than what’s necessary for one’s yard size.

2. What is the terrain of your lawn

With regards to finding a ride-on lawnmower, it’s important that the terrain of your lawn be taken into consideration. So before you buy, ask yourself what is the terrain of your lawn. If your yard is flat, with only gentle slopes in different directions, then any light-duty gas or electric machine will work fine. And if your yards just have steep slopes then you need a heavy-duty gas-powered machine capable of tackling hills and inclines at higher speeds without stalling out.

3. Do you have any trees or shrubs that need trimming

The way to deal with thick, taller shrubs is not with a ride-on mower. There are two options depending on the height of what you need to cut down. For low-lying shrubs, an electric weed whacker will do the job well enough. For taller ones, use either a long-handled Japanese type saw or special pruning clippers for bushes that are thick around the base and have strong branches at their tops.

4. Is it a large yard with many obstacles or are there just a few things to mow around  

Ride-on lawnmowers are well suited to large yards with many obstacles, but not to smaller yards with fewer obstacles. The more obstacles there are, the more difficult it would be for someone who is manually pushing or walking behind a standard push mower. Smaller yards with few obstacles could suit either type of machine (push or ride-on).

5. Do you want a self-propelled machine or one that is pushed by hand

There are numerous advantages to using a self propelled lawnmower over a push type, most notably its efficiency and ease of use. With modern advancements in technology, your average “ride-on” or “ride-behind” mower will cut only 1 inch more off the ground than if it was being pushed by hand. 

6. Does the engine start with a pull cord or electric starter  

Before you decide to buy any ride on mower, it’s important to think about what you need. If your property is too hilly for a push mower and the terrain will not support level surfaces for an electric start lawnmower, then picking up a pull cord riding mower (or sometimes called scottsdale riding lawn mixer) may be the solution. Pull starter riding mowers are also simpler to maintain, as they’re less complex than their electric counterparts with no battery packs or brushes that need replacement. 

7. Is there an automatic oiler to keep the blades from getting too hot and cracking from overuse

A lawn mower can get very hot and get damaged which might be a hazard to anyone in the vicinity. You ask yourself about an automatic oiler to keep the blades from getting too hot before you buy a ride-on mower. The spindles on the blade contain bearings, which need lubrication to operate properly, just like your car’s ball-and-socket joints. Otherwise, heat will cause them to seize up prematurely, especially after they’ve been hit hard by debris or stumps that could not be reached with a weed whacker. 

8.  Can you afford a new mower or should you buy a used one

It’s a good idea to take some time before you buy ride on mower to determine which use is going to be most common for it since it can vary wildly. For example, if you have lots of sloped or hilly terrain and want to use the 230 cc engine mower, then you know that gas mowers are not an option, so buying new would be a smarter decision because there may not be used options available for this type of a large size. But if you only need power with flat terrain then buying a used one will typically save your budget from being overrun by the high cost.