All You Need To Know About Hemp Cigarettes


Hemp is the real grafter, the engine, and the heartbeat of the cannabis plant (not literally). What we are getting at is the analogy that hemp does the work and marijuana gets all the glory. Hemp is Clark Kent to marijuana’s superman, so to speak. If you were to split cannabis into two categories comprehensively and analyze each, then you would see striking similarities and drastic differences between marijuana and its less famous counterpart, hemp. 

What Is The Difference Between Marijuana And Hemp?

The higher level of THC content gives marijuana both its advantage and selling point over hemp. The intoxicating effects on users make it ideally suited to human consumption. Therefore it is no surprise that the primary use of the marijuana plant is to supply the demand for tinctures, edibles, vaping, and smoking cannabis and its many marijuana-based products.

In contrast, hemp has more broad value than getting high. It is used for medicine, body care, and food and has proved extremely useful in construction and textiles too. It contains less than 0.3% THC, this extremely low level is almost what defines hemp compared to its more potent protege. Despite this, you can now buy hemp in the form of a cigarette, and its increasing popularity has left many questioning the benefit of smoking CBD hemp cigarettes.

Why Smoke Hemp Cigarettes?

  • Far less damaging to your health
  • No carcinogenic additives (dangerous to tobacco smokers)
  • Non-addictive (absence of nicotine)
  • Uber-low THC content
  • No ‘high’ effect
  • Contains cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Lowers anxiety
  • Pain-relief
  • Management of serious ailments.

For these reasons, amongst others, there has been an upsurge in the level of hemp users in recent years. There has been an upward trend in tobacco smokers turning their attention to hemp cigarettes in a desperate attempt to kick their nicotine addiction. The process of doing so means their habitual behavior does not alter, so their routines and lifestyles are not disrupted, and the lack of interruption in their daily patterns is supplemented with a much-needed health boost. Slowly but surely, they treat their bodies better and eventually turn the corner after reducing the toxins placed in their systems. Eliminating tobacco and turning to hemp cigarettes can add years to a smoker’s life and is a significantly healthier lifestyle option. 

Where Can I Buy Hemp Cigarettes?

These are not mainstream yet, so depending on where you reside, you face difficulties in obtaining hemp cigarettes, to begin with. The challenge is there because certain States are still in transition, while others refuse to modify their laws. The legal regulations to prohibit hemp sale are vast and proven not to be straightforward when selling for inhalation. Marijuana is facing similar legal battles and objections from politicians and society throughout America; it is even a global debate on some scale. The legalization of MMJ has undoubtedly split opinion, and no doubt, the growing popularity of CBD based products and the rise in hemp cigarette smoking will cause further controversy before it is universally accepted.