Tips on How to Ask and Get More Scholarship Money


Thinking about applying for a scholarship program or changing it? In that case, you must select several programs and carefully study them. Particular attention should be paid to the content of the program (it should meet your research interests and expectations regarding higher education) and the requirements for entrants.

Typically, the chances to obtain scholarships great, if:

  • You do not radically change your specialization.
  • You have excellent academic performance.
  • You speak foreign languages at a high level.
  • You write a thesis work or lead a study of current scientific topics.
  • You are confident in your success.

Look at the website selected program or organization, what it offers, the application form, a list of necessary documents, and the last term supply applications. Carefully fill in the application in clear handwriting.

Remember: properly executed documents are the key to your success.

Indicative List of Documents

1. Copy of diploma of higher education with a liner or academic certificate of listened courses and obtained evaluation. In addition to these documents may need to resume your thesis work.

2. CV (resume), your contact information, a short summary of gained education, professional experience, knowledge of foreign languages, etc. Usually, the requirements for compiling a CV are presented on the program website. 

3. Essay (motivation letter). The selection committee puts great importance on this document. The standard size of an essay is about 500 words. Typically, a cover letter consists of a short entry, two main parts, and a conclusion. In the first part, it is recommended to indicate your academic and/or professional achievements, in the second – it is logical to go directly to the motivations:

  • Why you wanted to study in the chosen university (country).
  • How your progress has been going so far (especially when asking for more).
  • How / where you want to apply the acquired knowledge (professional project) and more.
  • The reason why you require more scholarship funding.

If the CV – is a brief description of your training, experience, work, and knowledge of foreign languages, the motivation letter is intended to show your ability to explain, reason, persuade and bring arguments. In his writing is not recommended to copy clichés, found on the network Internet. 

It must be unique and original, and your personality must be seen behind it. Due to this reason, many young students decide to employ professional college essay editing. This allows them to guarantee the quality of their letter and improve chances of successful application.

4. Recommendations from teachers of specialized subjects (one or two). Recommendations should be signed by the teacher with the indication of their academic degrees, contact phone number, and address e- mail.

5. A copy of the passport with a sufficient period of action.

6. Other important documents: confirmation of professional internships, participation, and victories in scientific competitions, etc.

Interview Pointers

Participation in the application for some types of scholarships involves an interview with the committee. Usually considered, that if you are invited for an interview, the first stage of the competition you have passed. How to pass the interview successfully? Here are some tips:

  • Take care of correct external appearance, be friendly and courteous.
  • Bring along a copy of all documents, the main of which – CV and motivation letter.
  • Be ready to answer to any question about work, scientific research, and future plans.
  • Be prepared to respond to questions about your traits and flaws.

If the Selection Committee considers your candidature worthy of receiving the scholarship, you will be sent an official message the given you a summary address. However, it’s not the full story. You won’t be just sending your documents hoping for the best outcome.

Motivation Letter: Essence and Purpose

This is your personal story: about your human qualities, experience, hobbies; scientific, professional, and social achievements. With this letter, you can persuade the scholarship committee to give you the additional funds you require for study.

The purpose of the motivational letter – to draw the attention of the Commission to the rest of your documents, catch, interest and convince choose exactly you among the other candidates.

A qualitative motivation letter allows committee officers to assess the candidate from different angles: their sincerity, personal qualities, level of training, motivation, scientific, personal, and social goals, the validity of the choice of university and program, and the ability to formulate opinions.

 Here are the main requirements for the motivation letter. Address all these points, and you will surely improve your chances of getting that scholarship money.

1. Individuality

Show yourself as a person. Give examples of how values or life experiences have influenced the formation of your personality, choice of specialty, the direction of research. Remember, it is better to tell the story, write to them a couple of facts.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How exactly did your personal interest in the subject arise? 
  • Do you have professional or volunteer experience in your chosen field? 
  • What is special in your life: people, events, impressions, actions, victories, turning points?

2. Addressability

Write a cover letter exclusively for the specific university and program you’re studying for. To do this, you should conduct a mini-research: learn about the values, priorities, mission, history, the vision of the university. Show that you know all of it.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in this industry? 
  • Why did you choose this program? 
  • How is this essential to your professional development?
  • What exactly do you expect from graduating with the degree? 
  • Why should it be exactly you that deserves the scholarship money (from the technical perspective)?

3. Evidence

The phrase “I am a good leader” is devoid of specifics, it looks unfounded. Another thing – “I lead an experiment in which involved me, my several classmates, and my teacher.” Prove and back up everything you say – numbers are your best friends here.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • Do have you experience personal scientific work in the chosen direction? 
  • What are the results of your research? 
  • Are willing you to continue research and partially that’s why you require additional money? 

4. Originality

Avoid all cliché templates such as “teamwork” or “extremely motivated” (and do not plagiarize any texts!). Applicants for additional scholarship money must be able to think in an original way, have beliefs, special hobbies, unique character traits – and write about it.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • What qualities help you achieve success – the ability to establish relationships, formulate hypotheses, experiment, etc? 
  • What do you lack in order to achieve the goal? 
  • Why will giving you the additional money help you achieve your goals?

5. Specificity

Show, what you want to study not just your major specialization, but rather your major specialization in the university you already are, in particular the program with exactly this teacher. Members of the committee have to understand, you as a fully-fledged personality with a wide range of hobbies that fit the chosen higher educational path.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • What you have knowledge on the subject, projects, research, scientific publications? 
  • What successes have you achieved in specialization? 
  • What exactly increased your interest? 
  • Did you previously receive other related scholarships, awards, honors?

6. Sincerity

Be yourself. Do not attribute to yourself too much, do not fantasize – now the information is very easy to check. Write in simple, “human” language so that it can be seen – you wrote it, showing your personality off.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • What gaps are there in your knowledge, what tools, opportunities, experience do you lack? 
  • How will gaining the additional scholarship money help fill in the gaps? 
  • Why do you need the scholarship money (from a personal aspect)?

7. Integrity

Your history, individual characteristics, admiration, interest, motivation, and goal declared a motivational letter, are correlated between them. The document must make an impression on you as a complete person, who knows, what wants and is prepared to make this effort.

The text should contain answers to the following questions:

  • Will you continue to dedicate yourself completely to education?
  • What opportunities are you most interested in? 
  • How do you intend to make use of the opportunities thanks to the scholarship money?

Believe in Yourself

Remember: the earlier you start collecting information about the scholarship programs you are interested in, the better your chances of success. So do not delay until the last day and try to start the procedure as early as possible.