Why You Should Get Rid of Stagnant Water in Your House


We are made of 60% water, and we need it to survive.

Human beings can live off just by drinking water for several weeks.

That’s the power of water, alright!

But humans are not the only ones who need water.

We share this Earth with other creatures and critters. These all need water to grow as well.

Should you deprive them of this God-given liquid?

Well, unfortunately, it depends. Are they posing a threat to your health and well-being?

If the answer is yes, then you should consider removing any stagnant water you have at home.

Let’s find out why.

  1. Stagnant Water Harbors Insects and Pests


Insects also take part in the circle of life; thus, they need to hydrate themselves frequently.

Others have to lay eggs in puddles of water for their offspring to survive.

Mosquitos are the types of insects that require water to increase their population. And they tend to lay hundreds if not thousands of eggs!

Besides being baby-making machines, mosquitos threaten human health since they are carriers of parasites and bacteria. They are the reason behind the spread of malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever.

Having puddles of water in your garden or your basement can pose a risk to your health. So grab that bucket and start removing small pools as early as you can.


No one can forget the 14th century Dark Plague days that didn’t discriminate between men, women, or children.

The plague was caused by a type of bacteria that was spread through the bite of rats.

Though the Dark Plague, also known as the Bubonic Plague, is not as deadly as before, it can still come back.

Other than the plague, rats can transmit other diseases such as hantavirus and Salmonella.

That’s why keeping your eye on stagnant water in and around your house is crucial to stop these pests from calling your home theirs.

  1. Stagnant Water Damages Your Home Interior

If you like to procrastinate and delay your tasks to the following day, you might face a huge problem one day.

Having a broken pipe in your house and waiting several days until you call a plumber can present many risks to your home.

Electric wires, wood floors, and carpeting can get damaged by running water and give life to awaiting microbes to multiply.

  1. Stagnant Water Results in Mold

Another organism you should watch out for is mold.

Molds adore moisture and will gladly sit in stagnant water to spread and increase their numbers.

They come in multi-colors: ranging from black, green, and sometimes even orange.

Don’t let the fact that they’re non-living like mosquitoes or rodents fool you. They CAN and WILL harm you if they’re let to take hold of your roofs, basements, and bathrooms.

Mold can cause you to develop allergies, make you cough, and sometimes cause an asthma attack in severe cases.

Additionally, if the stagnant water is contaminated with impurities, like toilet water, it can speed up mold multiplication in less than 24 hours instead of 72.

That’s why it’s important to consider mold remediation services before it’s too late for your and your loved ones’ sake.