5 Things You Need Tell Your Surgeon Before Having Plastic Surgery


So, you’ve decided you want plastic surgery. You know what you want to be done, or at the very least, know what you want to be treated, whether it’s sagging jowls, flabby skin, or unwanted breast size.

You’ve done the research and found yourself the plastic surgeon you want, one who has all the certifications, a pristine clinic and years of practice, like those who work at Toronto Plastic Surgeons clinic. Now the next step is to meet with your surgeon for a consultation to discuss your procedure. It is essential to be honest and transparent with your surgeon during this time, as any withholding of information could directly impact your surgical and recovery process.

But what exactly is it you should be discussing? 

Here are five things you should talk about with your surgeon during your consultation.

1) All Prior Cosmetic Procedures

It is important to let your surgeon know of all cosmetic procedures you have received in the past, even if they’re not surgical or require little to no recovery time. This is important as even non-surgical procedures, such as temporary injectable fillers, laser therapy, or body contouring procedures, can affect your skin and underlying tissue, which can make an impact on your surgery. 

2) Full Medical History

This is especially important if you have a history of illness or allergies. Make sure to disclose everything, even if you think it’s not relevant. Also, disclose family history as much as you can, as many conditions can be genetic, and your surgeon may want to pre-screen you for risks before surgery to ensure your safety.

3) Every drug, supplement and herb you take

This is closely related to sharing your medical history. It is important to disclose any and all medications and drugs you take, both prescription and recreationally, like marijuana. The same applies to any vitamins and supplements you take and any herbs you ingest, including tea.

Disclosing these items is important, as they can interact with things like interacting with anesthesia or pain medications prescribed during recovery. It is important to be fully transparent and honest with your surgeons during recovery; their job is not to judge you but rather to ensure your safety and happiness with the procedure.

4) Any upcoming travel or events you are planning

It is important to let your surgeon know of all upcoming events and travel plans you have in the near future. This is important as some surgeries may take some time to book and come with weeks of recovery time and follow-up appointments. Travel may be unsafe during this recovery time, and if you have a major social event upcoming, potential and unwanted bruising or scarring may be present by this time. By disclosing these plans, your surgeon and you will help come up with the most optimal time for your procedure.

5) Manage your expectations

We’ve all seen the headline-grabbing news stories about those who undergo extensive amounts of drastic plastic surgery to look like a celebrity; rarely ever are these stories positive. While it can be helpful to have reference photos for your desired procedure, there’s a chance that Emma Stone’s nose won’t suit your face, nor will certain assets of the latest Kardashian. Instead, your surgeon will work with you to find what works best for you and your face and body. It’s important to manage your expectations, and expect realistic results, and be ready to accept possible alternative procedures if your surgeon recommends them instead of the one you initially planned for.