Wall Frame Decorating Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind


Hello there to all of our followers all over the world! First of all I would like to say Happy New Year to all of you, and may it be the best one so far! Are you ready to see some new amazing ideas all year round? We are getting you crafty immediately, cause you should start the year with some cool DIY project that will fascinate everyone. If you were thinking about decorating a plain and dull wall in your home, you are at the right place. Here I’m going to share with you some Wall Frame Decorating Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind. They are so easy to do and what’s most important, they won’t break the budget. The new decorations always help us to refresh the space, so they are just perfect for you if you are already feeling fed up with the ones you have now. The frame decorations will show off you creativity, so what are you waiting for? Get down to work and recreate the design you like the best!

What do you say about decorating the whole wall with frames? For almost all of the projects you have to buy frames, and it’s up to you how are you going to fill them. Print the photo or the quote that you like and hang it on the wall.

Image via fooyoh.com

Do you love to travel? Well, maybe this is the perfect idea for you. Would you like to give it a try?

Image via donna.nanopress.it
Image via qumania.com

Even the empty frames can look stunning in your interior. They are so stylish and sophisticated, so if you are out of ideas, I think you already know what you have to do.

Image via tatertotsandjello.com

When you put more frames together with other decorative pieces you will get an astonishing look of the wall. It would be like a story, so what’s the story you want to tell to your visitors?

Image via lelong.com.my

Do you have a favorite letter? It’s time to fill the whole wall with it framed in frames of different sizes and shapes!

Image via shejike.com
Image via mamabee.com

Choose twelve frames and arrange them on the wall in the way that they tell the time. Also you will need to add a clock mechanism in the middle to get this amazing clock made of different memories.

Image via noithatctjam.blogspot.mk

Are you cherish the beauty of every month of the year? It’s time to make posters that describe what you like most about them and frame it on the wall.

Image via dom-sweet-dom.ru
Image via kosovalive360.com

Do you feel like you need more greenery in your interior? It’s time to frame faux grass! It will do wonders to your space, believe me! Are you excited to try it out?

Image via picmia.com

Frame some bottles and vases and fill them with you favorite flower to make a unique and unusual decoration that everyone’s going to admire.

Image via sadtohappyproject.com
Image via wmnday.ru
Image via home.everycraving.com