24 Most Amazing Grass Sculptures


There are many types of sculptures, mainly depending on the material they are made of. For instance, making some sculptures on the beach out of sand, will result with sand sculptures. Sculptures with the use of stone, will be stone sculptures. And there are also a type of sculptures made out of grass and they are called grass sculptures. These type of sculptures can be often found in gardens, whether that will be your personal garden or some public garden which attracts many visitors. 

Below, we have selected photos of 24 of the Most Amazing Grass Sculptures. These sculptures are definitely considered as works of art. And we must admit that not everyone can do them. A lot of patience, great talent and awesome skills are needed in order to make such impressive sculptures with the use of grass and maybe with some flowers too. Dolphins, owls, Mickey Mouse, horses, elephants and pigs are just some of the designs of these grass sculptures. Take a look at the pictures below to see these designs as well as some other that we added on our photo collection below. Enjoy!

Grass Sculptures

Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (3) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (2) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (1) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (1) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (23) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (22) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (21) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (19) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (20) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (18) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (17) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (16) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (15) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (14) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (13) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (12) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (11) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (10) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (9) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (8) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (7) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (6) Most Amazing Grass Sculptures (5) Grass Sculptures (4)