23 Creative Craft Ideas How To Use Tree Branch


The most beautiful DIY crafts are usually made from everyday things such as tree branches. That is why we decided to bring you some amazing a ideas how to decorate your home using nothing but branches from your backyard. Or if you are looking for reliable and efficient tree specialists in your area, please click here.

These ideas are simple and wont cost you nothing but a little bit of your spare time. If you have a spare time great, if not take a brake from your work and everyday activities. We all now how important is to take a brake now and then just to put our thoughts together.This is an excellent way to take a brake and light our imagination up. Would that be  candle holders, hangers, pictures or even chandeliers the choice is yours.

Tree branch candle holder

Tree Branch (3)

Use them to make a picture

Tree Branch (4)

 Log candle holder

I love this it is very cozy.

Tree Branch (5)

Heart carved logs candle holders

Tree Branch (6)

Candle inside a tree log

Tree Branch (7)

Flower made from branches

Tree Branch (8)

Candle holder decoration

Tree Branch (9)

The tree bookshelf

Tree Branch (10)

Hangers from  branches

Tree Branch (11)

Tree Branch (12)

Tree Branch (13)

Candles inside a log

Tree Branch (14)

Use them to make a shelf

Tree Branch (15)

 Branches chandelier

Tree Branch (16)

Tree Branch (17)

Logs and branches side table

Tree Branch (18)

Christmas decoration

Tree Branch (19)

Branches and logs coffee tables

Tree Branch (20)

Tree Branch (21)

Candle holders

Tree Branch (22)

Tree branches wall art

Tree Branch (23)

Tree Branch (1)

Tree branch decor

Tree Branch (2)