4 Simple Ways to Pick a Ring That’s Manly as Hell


Apart from the understated wedding band, most men stay clear of wearing rings. The risk of wearing a ring for man is very real. A design that’s too flashy or feminine can be ridiculed by friends and office associates. Can men safely pull off stylish rings? The answer is heck yeah.

Change Your Perception

Rings have been worn by even the burliest of men throughout history. Men throughout the globe continue to wear rings due to cultural and religious reasons. If those weren’t enough, players wear championship rings, no one ever calls them girly. Even agents in the fictitious Kingsman organization in the movie series Kingsman wear mens gold signet rings while fighting global crime. Therefore, it’s important to recognize that rings can be both for men and women.

It’s really the style that determines if a ring is fit for man. Rings are also not just for metrosexual males. In fact, masculine rings would look good wrapped around the hairy fingers of lumberjacks. If you are out shopping, here’re a few ways to select rings for men.

Choose a Masculine Artwork: It goes without saying that floral and ornamental designs should be rejected immediately. There are tons of design options for men available both online and in store. Design elements such as skulls, lions, and eagles are always popular. However, more subtle designs such as a chunky metal band with tread marks can also do the trick. As a general rule, choose a wide metal band. Settling for a thin band can make the ring look more feminine.

You Can Never Go Wrong With Signet Rings for Men: Signet rings with engravings are a popular choice for men. These rings have a clean design and they can feature engraved insignias and emblems. For reference, championship rings are basically signet rings that are decked out with gemstones and engravings. Signet rings are also popularly given away by men’s clubs and fraternities. Popular engravings on signet rings range from emblems and animals figures to nautical compasses and anchors.

Be Careful of Gemstones: Gemstones are naturally glittery and gaudy, which are not desirable traits when picking rings for men. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, championship rings use multiple gemstones. It boils down to the design and how the gemstones look paired with the metal. Gemstone rings are also not subtle. If the gemstone ring you are about to pick doesn’t have a definitely-male character, we recommend staying clear.

Pick a Manly Metal: When we say manly metals, we mean metals that are more utilitarian than fancy. While platinum is a great choice for wedding and engagement rings, they are just too expensive for regular stylish rings for men. Metal options such as titanium, cobalt, and palladium are great choices. These metals not only have a subtle sheen but they are also significantly stronger than platinum and gold. Stronger equals more manly.

Subtle is Macho: Like we haven’t said this enough before, subtle design is the way to go when picking rings for men. Sometimes a clean design with a simple etched letter is all it takes to create the perfect ring design for men. You really don’t need a pair of fighting lions or a flaming skull and other obviously manly designs.