Try These Costumes for Upcoming Halloween


It’s not October yet, but, it’s never too early to prepare your costume for Halloween! To celebrate this spooky event in a unique way, why not try something unusually clever this year? To help you prepare and get ready well in advance, we’ve collected the easiest and most head-turning outfits for the frightening season! So, even if you don’t get your outfit ready yet, you can always have these easy costumes ready on the eve!

Bag of Jelly Beans

Dressing as a bag of jelly beans. . . why not? It might be the sweetest costume ever to suit a bubbly personality! To get this outfit ready, you’ll only need a clear trash bag which you then have to cut holes in, for your arms and legs to fit through. Get the nutritional facts and a Jelly Bean Logo printed on a sticky paper, which you can glue at the front and back of your costume. Fill the bag with different coloured of balloons to seem like jellybeans and tie the big bag to your neck with a ribbon! Then, you are all set for a sweet treat!


If you want to give your voice a break throughout the night, then the mime costume is perfect. You can interact only with actions! You got to get cheap white face paint and fully paint your face with it. The better suited item to wear would be either black clothes, striped white shirts or a black top. You can complete the outfit with white gloves, but that’s not necessary. Also, if you are good with paint, you can even paint black designs on your face to make the look more convincing. Grab a hat and the trick’s done!


Vampires comes in all shades and sizes, and they never get outdated! Plus, it’s a simple look to nail. You can wear any clothes that you want. Get a pair of fake vampire fangs and wear a foundation shade which is much lighter than normal. Also, you need to dribble some fake blood or dark red food colouring on the side of your mouth. Be very creative and try to look like a vampire from famous movies. Or you can draw some inspirations at Vegas Spins Casino by playing games such as Blood Suckers Slot or Bloodsuckers II Slot! Want to know how these modern vampires look like? Visit site now and watch the symbols on these vampire themed slots roll, as you try to perfect the look!

Pumpkin Pie

It might sound complicated but dressing as a pumpkin pie is the easiest costume so far! Buy a plastic pumpkin from any store and attach it to a headband; it could fit easily with hot glue or super glue. Look for a cheap orange shirt and a dark coloured green pants. Print out the Greek letter PI or make one from black felt, and glue it to your orange t-shirt! And there you go – looking nerdy and delicious!

There are but a few clever ideas to nail Halloween! The choice is yours – you can either have an elaborate costume made well in advance or you could use these tricks and look fabulous anyway!