The impact of a motivation wall on students


Description: Motivation is the key to academic progress. The use of the motivation wall can uplift a student’s spirit, inspire them to work further, and improve their performance.

The Motivation Wall VS Student’s Habits

Since the first college was founded, students have always suffered from procrastination, and at the same time, seeking possibilities to overcome it. However, the majority of the exercises they came up with were revealed as either useless, temporary, or inefficient. But, one of the distilled solutions to increase school motivation is a quite simple but extremely powerful tool for self-organization – a motivation wall. At first sight, it looks like just a board with pictures showing motivational phrases and slogans. But, you should not treat it lightly. Learn now how you can use this unusual tool to your own advantage!

In this article, we will discuss the principle of operation, advantages, and disadvantages of using this solution.

How it works

The idea of a motivation wall is as simple as it is effective. The student indicates their tasks and goals, dividing them into two groups.

Firstly, you should formulate strategic objectives and arrange them according to their importance and relevance. As Google Visualization Research defines, data is memorized and understood better if you visualize it. Thus, it is highly recommended to avoid writing a typical, dull roster and instead create a bright, memorable picture for each one of your goals.

Secondly, you should apply your management skills and create a plan for each point of your to-do list. While doing so, you have to be as precise as possible. The more detailed your plan is, the easier it is to follow it and vice versa – uncertainty hinders the process of achieving the goal.

Finally, place the motivation wall so that you can see it every day. For example, you can put it on the entrance door to your room or on the wall in front of your desktop.


The motivation board has plenty of positive effects. It surely helps you win the mental battle against procrastination. And the best part is that there’s nothing tricky about it – by creating this board, you’re giving yourself a promise and become responsible for fulfilling it.

Furthermore, it also accomplishes a reminder function. Each time you look at the board, you keep the motivational fire burning. By stimulating themselves in such a way, students are more likely to submit tasks on time and increase their performance.


According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, only 3% of adults spend their time planning for the future. Moreover, those 3% of the population complete five to ten times more during their life in comparison to the people who neglect planning. These statistics show that even such an effortless action is hardly ever done by the majority of people.

The motivation board is a brilliant tool to join the successful crowd and begin making your dreams come true. As Tony A. Gaskins said, “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

Sequencing the priority

By visualizing your plans, you not only keep tabs but also set a priority for each goal you want to achieve. You won’t be able to organize everything properly by juggling them in your head. What is more, the majority of people usually agree that they find themselves sidetracking and missing out on important events or tasks.

How students complete their homework can be a bright example of insufficient organizational skills. Usually, students are obliged to complete a lot of assignments. However, not everyone manages to do them in time. Frequently, young people suffer from procrastination and lack of organization because of poor time management skills or combining studies and a part-time job. In this case, students try to optimize their schedule by trying out self-management techniques or using special services that help them complete their assignments (such as

Controlling claims that controlling is the second important function after planning. Regular progress assessment helps to determine if you are on the right way.

In our opinion, the motivation board performs the best in combination with the Deming’s circle practice. It is usually abbreviated as PDCA, which stands for “Plan, Do, Check, and Act” or, alternatively, “Plan, Do, Check, Adjust.” The idea is very simple – just perform each task you have on your motivation board following these four steps and monitor your performance each week.


To sum it up, it is safe to say that a motivation wall is an extremely powerful tool for self-management. Despite the fact that it may look somewhat silly or childish, it is one of the strongest academic motivations. We highly recommend our readers to try it out and monitor your success.