Prepare Yourself For Successful Speed Dating


Dating is not that easy. You would want to leave the best impression on the start so that you can meet again. On the other hand, you don’t want to end up looking desperate. No matter the age, anyone gets anxious before the date. How should you prepare? What should you talk about? All of these questions can get you feeling nervous. Speed dating can be intense and exciting. Whether you are looking into London singles events or speed dating in New York, you need to prepare yourself to make the most of it. Here are 4 smart tips that you should keep in mind as you are getting ready to date many in one night…

  1.    Eat well before the speed dating

Don’t come hungry! If you keep thinking about what you could be eating, you won’t pay attention to your date. No one is at their best on an empty stomach, so make sure that you plan time for eating before you go. Also, don’t forget to hydrate yourself. 

  1.    Come with the right attitude

Be open-minded. Realize that you might not see one person that looks like the right one. But during conversations, you might just discover that there are several gems there. Behave naturally, be friendly, and let the conversation flow. 

  1.    Prepare smart questions

If you don’t know what you are going to speak to strangers about, it won’t pop into your mind at the speed dating. Write down a few good questions to start the conversations with confidence. Don’t forget to ask about their personal preferences, hobbies, favorite music, and movies. This way, you show that you are interested to get to know more about them. 

  1.    Come with great breath and clean teeth!

Cleanliness is very important. Bathing, fresh breath, and clean nails are a must. Brush your teeth before you go and check that you don’t have traces from your breakfast between them. If you chew gum on your way to the event, make sure to dispose of it before the dating starts! 

Also, don’t forget that smelling good is a way to go. The sense of smell will subconsciously discover a lot about you. Apply some of your favorite perfume on the inner wrist, inner elbows, and the base of the throat. These spots are where the blood vessels are close to the skin, which means that they are warm. The heat will slowly free the fragrance molecules and will keep the scent around you for long. This is much better than spraying perfume all over your clothes.