A Trio of Smart Home Improvements for New Parents


When you found out you were going to be parents for the first time, you probably looked around the house and realized you had to do some serious baby proofing. You have already bought a bunch of outlet covers and plan on installing cabinet locks, and you also are in the process of having the paint in your home checked for lead.

While this is an amazing start and you should definitely be commended for your proactive thinking, there are a number of other home improvements that make a lot of sense when there is a baby in the home. These projects don’t tend to get as much attention as the classic baby-proofing tasks you are tackling now, but they can definitely help make your home as infant-friendly as possible.

For example, before your sweet bundle of joy arrives, you might want to do some or all of the following home improvements:

Install Smart Home Devices that Make Life Easier

Once your adorable baby is born, you will be putting so much time and energy into taking care of your new son or daughter—all on very little sleep—you will find there are times you forget to turn off the lights or even lock the front door. No worries, parents to be. There are a number of smart home devices that save time and can give you peace of mind. You can choose from and install all kinds of devices that help save time with rules, routines and scheduling. Smart locks, smart lights, smart plugs, motion sensors and apps that work with each of them will all help on those days when you forget to lock the door. Also, they can be set up to automatically turn on and off at certain times or in certain instances—for example, the lights will turn on when the doorbell rings, so you won’t have to juggle a wiggly baby while trying to flip a light switch and open the door.

Upgrade Your Flooring

Yes, carpet can be warm and cozy but it can also trap dirt, dust and dander. Your baby will be learning to crawl and walk on those floors, so you might want to consider removing your carpet before he or she arrives. Hardwood flooring is a good choice because they don’t retain mold, mildew or dust. They are super easy to clean, which will be nice as your baby turns into a busy toddler who might spill apple juice and Goldfish crackers on the floor, and they tend to be allergen-free as they are not made with any chemicals. If the budget does not allow to switch out all of the carpets for hardwood, no worries—start with the rooms where you expect you’ll spend the most time with your baby and go from there.

Re-Do the Laundry Room

As you will soon find out, having an infant means doing a ton of laundry. Your wee baby will generate more loads of wash than you and your spouse do combined. If your laundry room needs an upgrade, now is the ideal time to do it. If you are able, upgrade your washer and dryer to high-efficiency models that can handle huge loads with ease and then install new cabinets high on the walls that lock. These will be great for storing laundry liquid soap and pods and bleach. Add in at least one flat surface for folding clothing; for instance, the Trenton Fold Out Table from Pottery Barn mounts to the wall and then folds down when you are ready. You can have your infant in a bouncy seat on the floor next to you keeping you company as you fold dozens of onesies and adorable little socks.

A Beautiful Baby Deserves a Beautiful Home

You are already doing a lot of great things to make your home safer for your baby. Now, before he or she gets here, it’s time to consider some larger and very practical home improvements. From smart home devices and new floors to an upgraded laundry room, when your baby arrives you can rest assured your home will be more beautiful, safe and functional.