Affordable Ladder Plant Stands You Must See


Plants always look better when displayed on some plant stand. And although you can choose from versatile plant stands that you can buy, there is an affordable way to display your plants too. For instance, you can display the pots on an old ladder. Such ladder plant stands can be set in your home, on your balcony, front porch, patio or somewhere else in your backyard.

They are great alternative if you want to save on floor space, which makes them perfect for small backyards or balconies. And you can either leave the natural look of the ladder, or maybe choose to repaint it in some vibrant color. Ladders are often used as part of a vintage garden decor, keeping the distressed look of the ladder and displaying the plants in some galvanized buckets, tea pots, or colored terracotta pots etc. We have picked several ideas of ladder plant stands that you may love to copy. Let’s check them out!

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Add Ladder Plants In Your Home

Besides having ladder plant stands outdoors, you can also add some in your home. Find the right place of where to display it, so that it can fit in the space, as well as the place where the plants can get the right amount of light to grow well. This could be closer to some window, whether in your kitchen, living room or even in your bathroom. And again, one such ladder is great choice when you want to save on floor space. Add a single pot on each step, or maybe several of them if you have a bunch of pots for displaying.

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SEE ALSO: Wonderful DIY Plant Stands You Will Love To Make 

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So, will you choose to display your pots on a ladder? Tell us in the comments and also let us know which one from the above ideas did you like the best. And of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other decor ideas for your home and outdoors.