Biggest Plumbing Myths Debunked


There are many of us that believe we know exactly what we are doing when it comes to DIY plumbing, despite never setting foot in a training session, and the closest we have ever got to the inside of a toilet was after a night out.

British comedy Peep Show’s Super Hans argues that plumbing is just ‘water Lego’, and it goes with this attitude that actual plumbers get called out to fix the mistakes us mere civilians have made to our pipes or drains after having a quick Google.


So, with that in mind, let us take a look at the biggest plumbing myths so you can resist the urge to ‘have a go’ at something yourself.

Your Sink and Drains Are in Good Shape if They Are Draining

While you might be less inclined to worry about the state of your drains if the water is disappearing at a reasonable rate, it does not always mean that everything is A-Ok. In day to day life, as long as the sink is doing a pretty good job at draining, there might not be much to worry about. However, we do tend to notice if this draining starts to slow down. Not only is this extremely annoying, but it can also be an indication of a bigger problem, especially if we let it get to a stage where water is draining at a rate that feels like paint drying. The most common problem will be a clog, which you can fix at home, but if you expect there is a different reason why your drains are clogging or are not completely sure of the severity, it is best to wait for a professional plumber – you can find one at!

Only Harsh Chemicals Can Fix Clogs

Leading us nicely on to this myth, many believe that only the strongest most corrosive substance you can get your hands on will dissolve a clog in your drain, but that simply is not the case. In fact, these harsh chemicals can often cause more harm than good! If they sit there long enough, they can corrode parts of your pipes, too, which can cause even worse problems than a clog, not to mention pipes are significantly expensive to replace.

Safer alternatives include baking soda and white vinegar, which are natural cleaning agents. For those that want a poke around, a wire hanger is a good option, and a plunger will help dislodge the clog. However, it might just be best to call a professional out to deal with the problem.

Flushable Products Will Actually Flush

Unfortunately, just because a product says it is safe to go down a drain, does not mean it willingly goes or continues its journey to the wastewater treatment plant. Many flushable wipes and other products end up sticking to the insides of the pipes, which then build up, causing a clog that is unable to break down by itself. This can result in overflowing drains and very cross neighbors accusing their innocent daughters of flushing their makeup wipes, despite the fact they only visit once a month. Don’t let that happen, stick it in the bin, or go even one step better and purchase biodegradable wipes which are now widely available.