Cactus Christmas Tree Is The Most Popular Holiday Trend


A cactus Christmas tree is the hottest trend in festive decor! Check these ideas and tips to find out more!

If you want to show off your creativity and have a different Christmas, then this is the thing for you. People love the cactus Christmas tree. The best thing is that it can perfectly fit certain home styles such as desert style or even Boho.

I already talked about Out Of The Ordinary And Unique Christmas Trees. But this one is really my favorite.

If you do a search on the internet, you might find out that these cactus trees can be costly. But, this doesn’t have to leave you dissapointed. You can always DIY your own fun Christmas tree.

This DIY cactus tree is an excellent example that you don’t have to spend lots of money on. It looks so adorable. You can check the link below the photo for details and instructions. The base structure of the cactus is made of drain pipe. When you build the structure, all you need to do is wrap some green garlands around the pipe. I love that this DIY project uses cheap and easy to find supplies. It is definitely on my to-do list!


An easy DIY project for you

If you don’t have enough space for a large Christmas tree, think about a smaller one. This cute cactus will amaze everyone. I love how it is decorated only with string lights. But, you can decorate it with small ornaments if you prefer a fun look.

You can make the base out of newspaper or craft paper. Shape it, tape it, and wrap it. This DIY project is very simple.


If you don’t feel so crafty, you can make this cardboard version. It is very simple and easy.


So, what do you think about these ideas? Which one would you like to try in your home?

I really love the small cactus with string lights. And I think that this will be my pick for Christmas.