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Pests are a pesky though all-too-common occurrence in homes everywhere. From mice and spiders, to fleas and mites, pests come in all shapes and sizes. There’s much you can do to stem the tide of tiny intruders – below are ten tips you can implement to avoid a full-on pest infestation in your home.
Screening Visitors
Fly screens protect your home from more than just flies. They provide an essential, breathable barrier between the inside of your house, and all sorts of pests – spiders, rodents and yes, flies.
Screens are easily installed, affordable, and they allow you to control airflow in summer.
They also encourage ventilation – a factor which can help reduce the impact of other pests, such as dust mites.
Hire A Pest Control Expert
When you’re looking at avoiding pest infestations for the long haul, it’s always a good idea to get advice from an expert. Dawson’s Australia provide guaranteed pest removal, and will talk to you about how you can get the best result and remain pest free for as long as possible. Another benefit of hiring a professional is that you can be assured that they will be thorough, often picking up areas of trouble missed by erstwhile DIY efforts.
Scrap It
Food scraps are a common source of food for household pests. Mice and ants particularly enjoy feasting on our scrapped items.
When finishing food, make sure to place it in a securely fastened bin, or in a container in the refrigerator. Mice easily infiltrate cardboard and plastic, so think twice about reusing flimsy packaging, and opt for a more well constructed storage solution.
Shut The Doors
Doors provide barriers between the outside of the house and mostly control the entry of unwanted pests – except for the small, inevitable gap between the door and the ground. In order to make your door an effective, pest-proof point of entry, you’ll need to place a strip of plastic or insulant underneath the door, and organise for any gaps on the sides and hinges to be filled.
Undergrowth, Overgrowth
It’s as important to effective pest control to trim and maintain outdoor areas as it is to keep the inside of the house clean and ordered. Dishevelled and overgrown backyards are favourite breeding places for spiders, snakes and mice – who will naturally enjoy entering your home when the weather is inclement. Protect yourself by giving the garden regular attention and maintenance.
Fly Away
Meal moths can cause huge troubles in your kitchen, and waste otherwise excellent food.
In order to protect your food supply, put moth prone food items (like flour, oats and rice) in the fridge. This will keep any budding moth colonies from taking residence in your pantry and kitchen spaces.
Moths also enjoy feasting on clothes items. Where you can, lavender spray and cedar clothes hangers can be used to repel any stray moths before they take hold.
Gap Year
Fill any unsightly gaps and cracks in your walls and floors with sealant.
These are the ideal spaces for mice to dart in and out of, and they will delight in poking their heads out from time to time. Locate small cracks and gaps by methodically following skirting boards around the house and marking any suspect areas with bright tape. Go back and fill in with a surface-appropriate sealant.
Cats Eyes
Predatory pets can be an excellent help in the war against pests. Cats have a well-deserved reputation for being natural hunters. Keep your furry friend on hand for some cheap and extremely effective rodent control.
Feeling Ruff
Fleas are another reality of the pet owner’s life.
Dogs are particularly prone, and dogs who come into contact with other dogs frequently are more likely to get flea-laden. Groom and inspect your pets frequently, checking for fleas and ticks. A cursory check on a weekly basis could save you the time, money and trouble of dealing with a full-blown infestation.
In The Bin
Remove rubbish from your house as soon as practical – mice and other scavengers enjoy picking through human refuse. Place filled rubbish bins into outside trash receptacles and keep the area around your bin clean and free from stray scraps.