You can use a lot of things to make yourselves out of the ordinary bookshelves. From crates, belts, pipes to palettes and ladders. I also gathered some bookshelf designs. I think these designs will make any home more diverse and unique. Enjoy in these awesome DIY bookshelves and bookshelf ideas.
Mandala bookshelf
If your living room is small and don’t have a room for your bookshelf. here is one excellent idea.
Voronoy bookshelf
It is based on the “Voronoi algorithm”
Invisible bookshelves
Ladder bookshelf
Great idea to re-purpose your old ladders.
DIY Upside down bookshelf
If you like a little diversity in your home follow the source link to find out how to make this bookshelf.
Staircase bookshelf
Great idea to save some space in your home.
DIY pipe bookshelf
DIY palette bookshelves
Use your old palettes to make an interesting bookshelf.
DIY bookshelf idea
DIY belt bookshelves
Reuse your old belts to make this interesting and easy bookshelf.
Rope bookshelf
Pacman bookshelf
The bookshelf seat
DIY Head bookshelf design
Crate bookshelves
Use your empty crates and turn them into bookshelves.