Easy And Eye-Catching DIY Clocks To Personalize Your Interiors


Hey there DIY lovers! In this article I’m going to share with you some Easy And Eye-Catching DIY Clocks To Personalize Your Interiors. The DIY projects are the easiest way to give some personal touch to your home decors and to make them unique and original. This is the perfect time to express your creativity and to show off your skills. The projects are not difficult to make and they won’t take you much time. These creative DIY clocks will tell the time in a creative way, and everyone will notice them as soon as they walk in the room. Do you have any ideas in mind already? Scroll through the photos below and get inspired. You will be amazed from the array of possibilities that exist!

The fans of beer will instantly fall in love with these outstanding DIY clock design. If you love beer and you love to try different beer types, maybe it’s about time to start collecting the bottles and turn them into a lovely clock. Display it in any wall in the house and see the compliments start rolling.

Image via styletic.com

The DIY clock design that reuses car toys is just perfect for your kids room. Maybe in this way, it will be easier for you to teach them tell the time.

Image via hellowonderful.co

Plates can have stunning designs, and if you have one that you would love to be a part from your interior, go ahead and turn it into a clock by simply attaching a clock mechanism to it. You can even write words or your favorite quote on  it. How do you like it?

Image via homedit.com
Image via homesthetics.net
Image via notonthehighstreet.com

I really love this DIY globe clock design. When you break your globe, don’t desperate because it can still be used as a decoration in a magnificent way. You can turn it into a clock in no time, and the results will be amazing!

Image via blog.steffenteam.com

If you are a bachelor and you wish to decorate your space in a manly way, this is the design that is just the right for you. Use your ties and create an unusual and unique clock. You can use bows too. It’s up to your preferences and style.

Image via torontoist.com
Image via montacasa.com.br
Image via notedlist.com
Image via wszystkookuchni.pl

We all need a clock in the kitchen, so we could be more efficient and effective in our cooking, so a kitchen-themed clock will match the interiors just right. Use an old kitchen utensil and create a clock that everybody is going to love.

Image via joiasdolar.blogspot.mk

The dominoes can tell the time in a pretty amazing fashion since every piece shows the exact time. Would you like to have such a cool clock in your home? All you have to do is to buy a clock mechanism and attach all of the parts to a piece of wood. As easy as a pie.

Image via sanneinspiratieblog.blogspot.mk
Image via rilane.com