Easy Tricks To Simplify Your Life


Are you looking for easy tricks to simplify your life? We have some helpful ones to share with you guys. They are so easy to implement, but the best thing is that they actually work. These will help you organize your time and use it efficiently. Have you heard of the brain dump method or the one-touch trick? Read on and find out more about them!

See also:How To Have Real Expectations From Time Management


Brain dump method

All those thoughts and things to do that you have on your mind are creating chaos. It feels so overwhelming when you need to do lots of things or remember certain things. The brain dump method will help you with this problem. All you need to do is take a few minutes to write everything down on a piece of paper. Write down every task that you need to do, including the smallest and simplest ones. This will release your mind from everything, and you won’t worry about forgetting anything. When you have a list of all the tasks, start organizing them by priorities.


Organize your home

When your home is organized, you will need less time to put away everything. Each item should have its own dedicated place. At the end of the day, take some time to put away everything to its place. This will prevent your home from looking cluttered.


One-touch trick

This trick will save you precious time and simplify your life as well. It is all about putting things in their place once you are done with them. Create a habit of instantly returning the items where they belong. Don’t put them anywhere on any empty surface, since you will need to put them away later.


Meal planning and prepping

One of the things that takes you so much time is thinking about what to eat. Take some time to plan your meals for the week ahead. Make a list of the meals, and then make a list for the needed groceries. Some people even go a step forward and do meal prepping. They prepare every meal for the upcoming week or month ahead.

The two-minute rule

Need to do a short task that won’t take you longer than 2 minutes? Do it straight away. Don’t postpone the small tasks that you can finish now. Deal with the small tasks, so that you won’t pile them up from later.


Now when you know the important tips, you can take action to make your life simpler. It is all about a good organization and using your time wisely. What do you think? Do you find these tricks helpful?