Enhance the Curb Appeal of Your House with a Permiter Fence


A simple way in which you can up the market value of your residence is to enhance its curb appeal. You do not need to spend a fortune on improving the street appearance of your home.

One step that you might want to consider taking as a means of improving the curb appeal of your property is to add a front perimeter fence to your property. There are a number of factors to bear in mind when it comes to adding a front perimeter fence at your residence.

The Importance of Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is important when you have no plans to sell your home and want it to look tremendous. Curb appeal is vital if you want to put your home on the market for sale.

There is a saying that you can’t judge a book by its cover. That may work for reading, but it isn’t accurate when it comes to selling your house. The reality is that potential buyers are judging your house by how it looks from the curb. In fact, you may have an amazing interior, but if the front of your home is not up to par, you will lose potential buyers who will not even bother to set foot inside your home.

There are more simple steps that you can take to enhance the curb appeal of your home. This includes such things as giving your home a fresh coat of paint. In addition, you can give your landscaping an uplift as well. This includes dealing with problems with your lawn and making sure any plants on the premises look their best. As was mentioned, a perimeter fence should be considered as well.

The Focus of a Perimeter Fence

You need to contemplate exactly what you want the focus of your fence to be when it comes to the issue of curb appeal. For example, if your home is in a neighborhood that has had issues regarding crime, the focus of a front perimeter fence should be on protection and security. This type of fence sends a reassuring message to people who like your home but who may have heard about crime issues nearby.

Perimeter Fence for Decoration

Another primary focus of a front perimeter fence is decoration and enhancing the overall appearance of your home. In this regard, you have a myriad of options.

When it comes to a decorative front perimeter fence, you can head down the traditional path or you might have some sort of innovative idea of your own. With these points noted, you will want to make sure that whatever you select compliments and harmonizes with the design concepts of the house.

Perimeter Fence for Security

As mentioned a moment ago, a prime focus for a perimeter fence can be security. There are fences that are designed with a specific focus on security. These fences typically come complete with gates that activate via remote control, permitting you to drive onto the property without having to exit you automobile. Keep in mind that just because a perimeter fence has a focus on security doesn’t mean that it cannot be attractive in appearance.

Perimeter Fence for Privacy

A key consideration for many people looking to buy a home is privacy. Privacy concerns rise in a variety of situations. These include in neighborhoods in which houses are relatively close together.

When considering curb appeal, particularly with an eye to selling your home, adding a privacy front perimeter fence very well make your home far more attractive to potential buyers. In addition, adding a front perimeter fence with a focus on privacy works both ways. Yes, it likely will make your property more attractive to a prospective buyer. However, it also allows you, your family, and your guests the ability to enjoy all that your front yard has to offer. You are able to do this without the prying eyes of the neighbors or people motoring by.

Perimeter Fence for Multiple Purposes

Keep in mind that even if you have a primary focus for a perimeter fence, you are not resigned to having a single purpose front fence. Rather, you can construct a perimeter fence that covers all the bases, at least to some degree.

You can work closely with a contractor to convey what you really desire from a front perimeter fence. You will find that there are preexisting designs and products that likely meet your needs. In addition, there are fencing companies that will assist you in coming up with a customized option the specifically satisfies your needs.


Jessica Kane is a writer for Viking Fence, the number on fence rental company in Houston.