Ensure The Welfare of Your Site This Summer


The safety and welfare of your construction site and everyone working or visiting is of top priority and is the first thing you evaluate before starting work.

Time is precious especially on a construction site where deadlines are part of your daily work schedule, so making sure everything is in order before work begins in a fast and efficient manner is vital. Without skipping corners or not checking certain parts of your site to get straight to work.

SRP Hire explore ways in which you can guarantee the welfare of your site and how this will produce a healthy and productive workforce.

By law all of these are required to be onsite for your workers before work begins.

Toilets & Washing Facilities

Probably the first thing people would notice when arriving to work on your site, well managed toilets. Anyone can place bare bones toilets and washing facilities to abide by law but it’s the successful sites that provide quality facilities for their workers.

Rather than purchasing cheap, worn toilets for your site why not hire out high quality toilets and washroom facilities for your employees and any visitors that may enter the site? This provides everyone with quality facilities that make working on your site that much better. Nobody likes using badly maintained portable toilets, With a variety of toilets and washrooms available for hire it allows you to adapt and change them depending on the scale of your site. If your site increases in size, then hiring a bigger range of toilets and washing rooms only seems natural.

Changing Rooms & Lockers

Needed when workers require special equipment for work purposes, you must provide a safe and secluded space for them to change with secure storage for their personal belongings.

Extremely important for workers, especially when they’ll be away from their belongings for long periods of time and in the dangerous work area of a construction site, their belongings could get damaged if left unattended out in the open. Included with these must be seating and a means of drying.

Resting Facilities

Especially with long working hours and varying changing shifts that can move around on the day, there needs to be some sort of resting facility available for all your staff. Sometimes split shifts occur and there’s no time for your employees to go home and rest, this is where resting facilities are very useful.

Without providing this basic necessity your workers would have added stress and become far more tired during their shifts. Especially with the heavy labour included in their work, having a place to relax and rest is vital for their mental wellbeing and health.

Safety Issues

Safety is top priority for everyone on site, workers, visitors and yourself included. Nobody wants to go into work in fear of dangerous, unsafe equipment.

Keeping well maintained and checked equipment is vital before any work starts on your site, along with the site itself. The environment in and around the site must be free from any dangers such as equipment not securely stored, trash not cleaned up or anything that could potentially get in the way and harm workers.

A safe and reliable option is to hire out up-to-date and well maintained equipment from a Hire service company. They provide everything required by law, allowing you to easily secure the site for one single fee.