You never quite know what life’s going to throw at you. Sometimes it can be good, sometimes it’s not so good, and sometimes things just meander along quite comfortably. We all like the good stuff and often don’t mind drifting along for a while as long as something bad doesn’t happen.
And if it does, what can you do about it? Could you have, as far as possible, prevented it? You can’t stop every unpleasant event, but you can be prepared as best as is possible to minimize any dangers or damages with some planning beforehand.
Water problems
Your first thoughts on these might be flooding, so you need to find out about the likelihood of your home being flooded. The terrible hurricanes and storms that devastated New Orleans in 2005 and, more recently, caused major flooding in Houston in 2017, have focused minds on the awful consequences for homeowners and businesses. In the end, there’s not a lot you can do about cataclysmic natural disasters, but water damage is not solely confined to flooding.
In many cases, it’s a question of poor maintenance of pipework for your water systems that can cause trouble. A leaking shower or bath can have serious effects on floors where they are and through ceilings below to other rooms. Water can find its way anywhere if it’s not completely confined, and you could also be affected by a leak from an apartment above you over which you have no initial control.
Make sure you check your pipework both for your normal water use and for appliances that use water, whether small or large amounts. If you live in a very cold climate, in winter you need to ensure pipes that could freeze are properly insulated. Even in warmer climates, there can be sudden cold snaps, and if you’re not ready for them your pipes could freeze and then burst when they defrost. Take out insurance to cover as many possibilities as you can.
Appliance breakdown
Some appliances can seem to go on forever, but they all have a lifespan thanks to built-in obsolescence. Manufacturers need you to keep buying new machines, or they’d be out of business.
That doesn’t mean you can’t protect yourself from an unexpected breakdown, and that makes home warranty insurance that you can get from the website an affordable form of protection when something does go wrong.
You may, for example, have older appliances and rather than sending them to the junkyard you’d prefer to get as much use out of them as possible. A home warranty won’t just look after the repair of your appliances due to normal wear and tear, but will also cover your systems including heating, plumbing and electrical. You can get different levels of cover depending on what you think is most appropriate, and it’s a good way to have peace of mind that you’re not going to have any unexpected large bills and will have access to technicians who are there to sort out your problems.
It happens, and you never know when or where an opportunist or a career burglar might strike. It’s one of the most unpleasant experiences to find you’ve been burgled. You can replace TVs and the like, but you can’t replace items such as jewelry that have sentimental and family connections.
Whatever type of home you have, check all the possible entrances and make sure they are protected. Strong door locks are essential, and you should have window locks that secure them from anyone trying to get in from the outside, but that can quickly be released from the inside in case of an emergency where the doors are not appropriate exit points through which to leave the building.
A burglar alarm will cost you to start with but it gives you added protection and, in most cases, will lower the price of your general home insurance.
Electrical faults
Fires can start with the simplest of electrical faults, so it’s worth having a professional electrician check out your home to ensure the wiring is safe and fit for purpose. Check cables too. Rodents can chew through them and could cause a short circuit that may prove to be damaging, thereby compromising electrical safety.
Prepare for eventualities
In most cases, nothing bad will happen, especially if you maintain your home environment regularly. But when things go wrong, it’s important to be prepared for any eventuality that might arise. That preparation could save you a lot of money and heartache in the future.