A staircase is an important part of every home decor, mainly because of its primary use to help you get from one floor to another. But a staircase can also feature as a decoration if you choose it to be a modern type of staircase. One such kind of modern staircase is the floating staircase. This type of staircase can definitely add a dramatic touch to your home, so today we have decided to show you several Exquisite Floating Staircase Designs that you wish you had into your dream homes.
The floating stairs are the perfect choice for your home as long as you are not afraid of heights. People who are afraid of heights might feel insecure when using them. If you don’t have this problem, you will most likely love to have this type of staircase. There can be found many different styles of floating stairs, depending on their shape, size as well as the material they are made of. Check out our ideas below to see if you will get inspired to add some floating stairs into your dream home. Enjoy!