Fabulous Ways To Upgrade Your Old Lamp


Hey there my dear Top Dreamers! Have you been impatiently waiting for some new DIY projects that are going to boost your creativity? Well, here they are! In this article you are going to have the chance to take a look at some Fabulous Ways To Upgrade Your Old Lamp. Yes, that’s right. There is no need to spend tons of money to replace your old lamp with a brand new one when there are plenty of ways to upgrade it. Check them out and make your picks! I believe that you are going to have more than one favorite, but scroll down and see it for yourselves!

Rope Lamp

How do you like the rope look for your lamp? We have to admit that it’s a classy design that never goes out of style.

Image via lavenderandlinen.blogspot.mk
Zip Tie Lamp

The zip tie lamp is just perfect for the creative ones who prefer more relaxed looks. The ombre look fits it perfectly, doesn’t it?

Image via curbly.com
Flower Lamp

This design is goint to match your preferences if you like girly and gentle stuff. You can make the flowers with paper so it’s a really cheap design. Give it a try.

Image via girlfriendshoes.com
Ruler Lamp

If you are an engineer you are definitely going to like this ruler lamp! It’s going to be perfect for your office. Do you find this design appealing enough to get down to work to recreate it?

Image via ecomaniablog.blogspot.mk
Feather Lamp

Am I the only one who finds these feathers stunning? When I’m upgrading the look of my lamp, this is the design that I’m going to make for sure!

Image via weddbook.com
Sweater Lamp

It’s sweater weather already, so it’s the right season to repurpose your worn off sweater and dress up your dull lamp.

Image via acultivatednest.com
Twigs Lamp

If you have chosen the rustic style to decorate your home, I’m sure that you are going to set your eyes on this cute twig lamp. Go outside, collect some twigs and you got the materials for your next DIY project.

Image via theshabbycreekcottage.com
Map Lamp

In case you are a world traveler, repurpose an old map to get this outstanding design.

Image via brit.co
Zig Zag Lamp

Is there someone who can resist the zig zag print? I don’t think so!

Image via spirossoulis.com
3D Lamp

Would you like to have this 3D lamp in your home? You can achieve this design with any fabric in the color you like the best!

Image via alfa-img.com
Photo Lamp

Make your family photos a part from your interior in an extraordinary way by creating this heart-warming lamp design.

Image via lifebuzz.com
Balloon Thread Lamp

Use ballooon, glue and thread to make this easy and cheap design in no time.

Image via entrehilosyagujasrd.wordpress.com
Ribbon Lamp

Use colorful ribbons to make playful and colorful lamp designs.

Image via hbaomoi.com

Which is the design that managed to leave you speechless? Let me know in the comments below!