Food that can be used as a natural beauty product


It is surprising indeed that we didn’t realize so far that the food is not only good for eating but for but for many other usages as well. It can bring us many benefits for the outer beauty. Sometimes the cure for something can be as cheap as the food,however we lack knowledge. Moreover this natural products can be healthier than the ones we buy in the pharmacies. Check some of the foods that you can easily use at home without too much effort.


This tropical fruit is rich with vitamins and minerals. The vitamins A and C are predominant. It contains beta hydroxylic acid, papain and dotassium. The papaya exfoliates your skin. It can brighten it and make it shine.

How to prepare it:

Paste 2-3 full spoons of papaya. Add one spoon of honey in it. Apply this mixture on your face and keep it for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash the face with warm water. The results are magnificent.



The apples contain a lots of vitamin C and A. Moreover they are rich with copper which is an excellent product that keeps, improves and feeds your skin. In addition, the apple mask is recommendable for people with grassy skin.

How to prepare it:

Mix two grated or chopped apples, a teaspoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your face and keep it for fifteen minutes. Clean your face with warm water.



Yet another excellent ingredient for a grassy skin are the strawberries. They are so delicious, however, they are highly recommendable for the people facing problems with acne. Its vitamins and antioxidants can make your skin look brilliant.

How to prepare it:

Paste three strawberries. Add a teaspoon of honey. Apply this mixture on your face and keep it for fifteen minutes. Wash your face with warm water.



The avocado is rich with antioxidants. However, it is not only healthy for your inner health but for the outer beauty as well. Did you know that the avocado keeps you from aging? It contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In addition it is a rich resource of vitamin E, C and K.

How to prepare it:

Peel half avocado. Paste it in a plate. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply it on your face and keep it for fifteen minutes. Wash the face with warm water.


Coconut oil

The coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, therefore it’s highly recommendable if you deal with acne issue. Moreover you can use it as a hydration cream. It can be used as a make-up removal as well. Unlike the mineral oils, the coconut oil doesn’t clog the pores.

In addition, the coconut oil is useful for teeth whitening. Actually it doesn’t whiten them. It removes the brown-yellow cover that makes them look dirty.



The honey is famous for the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Therefore it is yet another product recommendable for the people facing acne. The honey regenerates the skin and repairs the damaged cells.

How to use it:

Apply the honey on your face. Keep it for ten to twenty minutes. Wash it with warm water.
