Giving A Presentation – We Have The Best Tips!


It doesn’t matter whether you’re at university or later in your professional life: nowadays you can’t avoid giving presentations. The know-how from school is often not enough to make a lecture interesting in terms of content and visually attractive. However, our tips will help you to realize the project by giving a presentation.

The Preparation

A presentation simply cannot succeed if it is not properly prepared. This includes dealing with the topic thoroughly and clarifying open questions. How long should the lecture be? Do you want to involve the audience? Which visual aids can or may be used? So, before you start creating the presentation, these formalities have to be ticked off first.

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The Research

Reliable sources are one of the most important factors for a successful presentation. So, stay away from Wikipedia. When researching, it often makes sense to use the snowball system. Means: Start with one source and look for the next sources via the list of references. The more you deal with a topic, the more background knowledge you acquire. Later it will be all the easier to give a lecture about it. But be careful: the snowball must not become an avalanche at the end. You have to sort out the information well so that you don’t fall into the time trap and your presentation ends up being much too long. Are you at some point simply not sure what you are doing at all because you get lost in the details? Then it can help to formulate a guiding principle or a thesis. What do I want to achieve with the presentation? What should the key message be? If you are still experiencing problems even after this, you might consider using services like

The Timing

Both the preparation and the time of the presentation itself should be well planned. As difficult as it may be, starting on time takes away the stress and prevents messy work. You also automatically have more order in your head if the speech has been structured in a structured way. So, force yourself to self-discipline. If you have to work on the presentation in a team in which one person is slowing down, only clear announcements and deadlines will help. It’s no fun playing the headteacher to fellow students, but ultimately you have to stand behind the result.

The Structure

A presentation is gripping when it engages the listener. This can be achieved with great introductions as well as with good visual support of the speech. A lecture is like a well-structured text. So, it needs a beginning, a body, and a conclusion. A funny story at the beginning, a touching quote, or a questionable claim triggers interest in the audience. So, it’s best to think about what would be exciting for your audience. A short video is often a great way to get started. After that, however, the curve to the actual presentation must be quickly made and an overview of the forthcoming presentation must be given. The end should be remembered as well as the beginning. Summarize your most important points and end with a conclusion. And remember if you need any additional help you can delegate some of the writing to the best essay writing services out there.

The Slides

Just don’t get cocky. The emptier the slides are, the better. As a rule of thumb: no more than five dashes per page. However, that can be too much if you equip them with complete sentences. Be discreet with the slides. Most people cannot listen and read at the same time. Therefore, courage to leave gaps and record what you say in keywords on the slides. Before deciding what to include in the presentation, it can be helpful to tell an independent person about your topic. Then you will notice which points are important and which are not. These are then placed on the slides.

The Excitement

Do you panic at the thought of standing in front of many people and having to talk? Much of the excitement can be avoided with good preparation. Knowing what you can do gives you confidence. Make a fist with both hands and alternately press your right and left thumb to calm you down. If your mouth is dry, briefly pinch the tip of your tongue between your teeth and press gently. When it comes to talking, it is good to start by finding someone you trust in the audience and keeping eye contact with them for a while. In the course of the lecture, however, you should let your gaze wander through the audience.

The Body Language

Stand upright, don’t constantly rock back and forth, look ahead and look towards the audience. With these basic behaviors alone, you already exude competence. For the hands, there are handouts or alternatively a pen or laser pointer. Humor also inspires sympathy, so think of a funny interlude to keep the audience’s attention.