Sleep plays such an important role in the well-being and good health of your life. By getting quality sleep, you’ll be able to protect your quality of life, physical health, mental health, and safety. Did you know that how you feel while awake partly depends on how you slept?
When you’re sleeping on a cool gel mattress, the body works to not only maintain your physical health but also to support healthy brain function. In teens and children, sleep helps support development and growth.
The damages of sleep deficiency can take place in an instant. Alternatively, it can harm you gradually over time. For instance, sleep deficiency raises your risk for chronic health problems. It affects how well you learn, works, reacts, thinks, as well as get along with others.
There are many reasons why we need to have a good sleep at night, such as better concentration and productivity, lower weight gain risk, lower risk of heart disease and so on. Bedding Pal has provided tons of articles to help people get a good sleep at night. They have also an article from the experts on their sleeping habits that you can practice in your life too if you would like to get good sleep. Otherwise, you can continue reading this article for brief tips.
Having learned the importance of good sleep and effects of sleep deficiency, let’s now have a look at some of the specific benefits of a good sleep:
#1: Daytime Safety and Performance
Getting ample sleep goes miles in helping you function optimally throughout the day. Folks that are sleep deficient tend to be less productive at school or work. In fact, they take longer to complete tasks. Additionally, they make more mistakes and have slower reaction times.
After several nights of inadequate sleep, your ability to function optimally suffers big time. Lack of sleep might also result to microsleep (brief moments of sleep which takes place when you’re awake). Microsleep hugely affects how you function.
#2: Physical Health
Unquestionably, good sleep plays such an important role when it comes to physical health. For instance, it’s involved in the repair and healing of your blood vessels and heart. Ongoing sleep deficiency is attributed to increased risk of stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and heart diseases.
What is more is the fact that sleep deficiency increases the risk of obesity. According to a study conducted on teenagers, it was concluded that for every one hour of sleep lost, odds of turning obese went up. Deficiency of sleep raises the obesity risk in other age groups too.
By sleeping for the recommended number of hours, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy balance of hormones responsible for hunger (ghrelin). Failing to get enough sleep raises ghrelin levels making you feel hungry.
#3: Emotional Well-being and Healthy Brain Function
Good sleep is essential when it comes to the proper functioning of the brain. When sleeping, the brain prepares for the activities or events of the following day. The brain forms new pathways to assist you to remember and learn information.
Studies indicated that a great night’s sleep goes miles in enhancing learning. Whether you’re learning how to drive a vehicle, how to perfect golf swings, how to play your piano, good sleep will assist you to improve your learning as well as problem-solving skills. Sleep is handy at helping you pay attention, be creative, and make decisions.
According to studies, sleep deficiency adjusts the activity in parts of the brain. The failure to get adequate sleep causes you to have trouble in making decisions, controlling your behavior and emotions, coping with change and solving problems. The same study attributed sleep deficiency to risk-taking behavior, suicide and depression.
#4: Athletic Performance
Sleeping for the recommended number of hours can enhance your athletic performance. A study conducted on basketball players revealed that longer sleep significantly improved mental wellbeing, reaction times, accuracy, and speed among athletes.
Lesser sleep durations were associated with functional limitation and poor performance.
Another study conducted on more than 2,800 women showed that poor sleep was related to slower walking, greater difficulty in performing independent activities and lower grip strength.
The bottom line is that longer sleep improves most aspects of physical and athletic performance.
#5: Inflammation
Sleep has a major effect on the body’s inflammation. Sleep loss activates undesirable markers of cell damage and inflammation. Studies have linked poor sleep to the digestive tract’s long-term inflammation. Such disorders are known as the inflammatory bowel diseases.
A study observed that sleep-deprived patients suffering from Crohn’s diseases were susceptible to relapse two times more compared to patients that slept well.
Some researchers recommend sleep evaluation to assist in predicting the outcomes in individuals that suffer from long-term inflammatory issues.
The bottom line is the fact that sleep hugely affects the inflammatory responses of the body. Poor sleep is linked strongly to inflammatory bowel diseases in addition to increasing the risk of the disease recurring.
Final Thoughts
A great night’s sleep is incredibly essential for your health. It’s equally important just like exercising and eating healthy. Unfortunately, today, many people are sleeping for fewer hours compared to many years ago. Sleep deficiency is not only dangerous on a personal level; it can also cause large-scale damage. From today henceforth, get a good night’s sleep to enjoy the above benefits as well as avoid the detrimental effects of sleep deficiency.
My name is Edward Winston and I created Tiny Spaces Living cause of my love of small spaces. It is a place for people who looking for information on small living, which includes simple living, small houses, tiny houses, and good lifestyles. TSL provides more than just information, it also shares reviews of products for tiny houses to improve your life and make it easier to live in small spaces.