He Took 27, 000 of These and Created One of a Kind Floor


You are thinking about home renovation, aren’t you? Why not to start from the floor? I have one video that will inspire you to turn your space into shinier and far more dramatic.


Before you start any flooring project, I advise you to measure the floor space first. The man that made the project actually thought that his 38 sq ft kitchen is a small space and it won’t be too big project. But, when he started layering the kitchen started to feel bigger.

Check your piggy bank. If you don’t have enough, ask your friends or go the bank. You don’t need to clean them, because you are going to work with over 25 000 coins! Plus, it is very hard to get a penny super shiny and clean. Lay the pennies very close and tight together.

This type of project will take you some time, so I advise you to invite your friends over and have some fun while laying down the coins.


Watch the video to see the whole process of making an amazing floor design with 27 ,000 1p coins! 

So, what do you think about this floor project my dear people? Do you like it and would you dare to make it? Share your thoughts with me in a comment below! If you have more ideas and suggestions about home renovation on a budget, share them too – I would love to see everything you have to show me! Thank you for reading! Enjoy in the rest of your day and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer!