Helpful Vegas Tips: Things to Know Before Going On a Vegas Trip


The idea of going on a trip to Las Vegas will get your heart racing, spark your curiosity, and entice the thrill seeker in you. Vegas has been dubbed not only as America’s Adult Playground but also as one of the most exciting and legendary cities in the US! Just think about it… Vegas has everything under the sun you can imagine on entertainment.

From casinos staying open 24/7 for gambling and architecture that will take your breath away to the endless buffets that can feed millions all over the world, there’s never a shortage of things to do in this majestic city. To truly get a taste of the Las Vegas life, it takes more than one visit. For first-time visitors, the plethora of entertainment options might seem a little overwhelming.

Whether it’s your first time visiting or your tenth time visiting, there are certain laws and customs that may be quite different than what it might be in other US cities. Here’s a list of some important aspects to know about Vegas before you head out to Sin City.


You can legally drink in public on the streets

Not too many people know this until they actually get there but Vegas is one of the few places in the US where it’s completely legal and even “smiled upon” to casually walk up and down The Strip with a cocktail in your hand. That aspect alone is partly what brings visitors back to the rebellious city!

Now, even with all the freedom associated with drinking, there are still a few rules that come with it. For one, you can walk around with open containers (as long as they’re not glass) but you cannot get in the car with one. Also, if you’re seen walking around drinking and acting like a drunken mess, a police officer can write you a ticket for disorderly conduct. The Las Vegas Sun goes into deeper detail on explaining these “lax laws.”

You can sleep in nice hotels on a budget

For most people, the hotel costs are the most expensive part of a trip. Hotels can definitely get pricey, especially in Las Vegas but there are hotels that cater to every type of budget out there. When you know money-saving hacks for hotel room shopping, finding one won’t be any problem.

Whether your budget can handle a hotel suite with a view of the Bellagio Fountains or a hotel that’s not exactly on The Strip but it’s clean and is reasonably priced, you’ll definitely be able to find it in Las Vegas!

You don’t have to pay full price to get in some of Las Vegas’ hottest night clubs and day parties

Those who have been to Vegas a few times probably already know this but a lot of people get discouraged from going out in Vegas because they see the entry fee and think there’s no way they’re going to pay that but what people don’t realize is that you don’t have to pay a hefty price tag to get access to some of these exclusive parties.

The secret to gaining access to the exclusive parties is making sure your name gets on the guest list through Free Vegas Club Passes. This pass allows you to get free or reduced entry to clubs, skip those long lines, and reserve booths or cabanas for you and your guests… this pass gives you the ultimate VIP experience so don’t miss out on all the fun… get your name on that guest list and have the time of your life!

You can’t truly enjoy Las Vegas unless you’re 21

Vegas has made great efforts and attempts to promote itself as “family-friendly,” and those efforts have been well put-together but the fact still remains that it is just not geared towards kids. Sure you have Circus Circus Hotel and other kid-friendly activities but if you think about it… Las Vegas wasn’t nicknamed America’s “Adult Playground” for nothing!

When you’re 21, you get to enjoy the splendors of being able to drink! If you don’t drink, you will still be able to go into a casino and walk around if you choose, even if it’s just to get an overall feel of it. When you’re under 21, Las Vegas laws are strict about underage gambling and even lingering in a casino. If you are under 21 and spotted in a casino gambling or just being in there too long, you will be asked for ID will be escorted out and can even be fined or arrested.