Did you know there are companies out there that have actually copyrighted their specific brand color? Or even better yet, their particular color combinations?
Companies like Master Card, BP, and Paypal have extremely well designed brands and use a trio of colors that are brand-exclusive. If you have a new business and want to get started with a recognizable brand right away, you should look at them for inspiration.
Branding properly will help you in the long run because let’s face it – you have a lot of competition, and it’s fierce. People have to recognize you, and recognize you fast. Creating a reaction to branding using colors is almost like a creating a Pavlovian response.
Imagine yourself on a long road trip as you’re running out of gas. You see a blurry shape somewhere on the horizon and it’s a familiar color of yellow and red. Chances are, you’ll know there’s a Shell gas station coming up even if you can’t quite see their logo from far away. You want to get that same kind of automatic sigh-of-relief response in your clients when they catch a glimpse of your brand anywhere.
The head printer at Stickeroo says that catchy colors always make better marketing collateral – and he’s the expert – “When companies print custom stickers, the ones with the most well-thought-through color scheme are not only the most noticeable but they’re also the ones that we like to put in our own printing portfolio.”
But what about the meaning of colors? No matter what your niche is, putting a lot of thought into the color scheme is a must. If you have an accounting firm, you might want to steer clear of colors like red or yellow. Why? Most people associate these colors with emergencies, and that’s the last thing that you want accounting to be associated with! You want to have a calming, professional effect on people. Going into whites, grays and blues might actually affect your drop-in business!
For more tips on how to match your niche to a suitable color, look at the infographic below: