How To Build A Planter Bench For A Small Backyard


If you backyard is a small one, and there is not too much space available for fitting both planters and bench, then a planter bench is the right solution for you. You can buy some such bench, or if you want to save some money, you can also try to make some on your own.

And trust us, there is nothing difficult in making some such planter bench. You can use different types of wood for the bench and can either make it with only one planter box or maybe with one on each side of the bench. Fill it with the plants you love and turn your backyard into a wonderful place.

planter bench

SEE ALSO: How To Build A Fire Pit With 36 Blocks 

For this DIY project you will need the following tools:

  • cedar 2x4s. Get twenty 8-foot boards to make the 16-inch planter pieces and the 82 1/2-inch-long seat frame.
  • cedar 1 1/4×6s. Get four 6-foot boards to make the 63-inch long seat and one 8-foot board to trim the tall planter.
  • 3/4-inch gravel
  • 32-quart bags of potting soil
  • 4 tubes of construction adhesives
  • 3-inch stainless-steel deck screws
  • 2-inch stainless-steel deck screws
  • 3-inch galvanized siding nails
  • 12-inch galvanized spike ( get 8 of them)

This project will cost you about $350.

Here is the video of how to build this wonderful planter bench for your backyard!

We hope that you liked it and that you will try to build one such planter bench for your yard. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other DIY projects for your outdoors.