Looking for a way to clean your tarnished silver and restore its shine? I have a really helpful method to share with you guys. You don’t need to spend money on those expensive silver polishing products when you can DIY it in your kitchen. The whole process includes one ingredient that you already have in your home. And believe me, you will be surprised by the results. So, let’s get started. I bring you the step-by-step guide on how to clean tarnished silver with baking soda!

How To Clean Tarnished Silver With Baking Soda
For this project, you will need:
- First, line the bowl with the aluminum foil. Use a bowl big enough, so that all of the objects will be covered with water. Place the foil with the shiny side up.
- Next, sprinkle baking soda on top of the aluminum foil. One tablespoon is enough for one cup of water. If you need to clean bigger pieces, then double the amount.
- Pour water over the foil. You will hear the sizzling sound, but don’t be afraid. This is the thing that makes it work. Now, you should be really quick. Place the silver items in the bowl. Use a fork or other tool, so that you won’t burn yourself from the boiling water. Make sure that each one touches the aluminum foil. Otherwise, the chemical process won’t be possible to achieve.
- The process might take up to 30 minutes, depending on how much is the silver tarnished. You will see the items getting whiter, and the tarnish will remain on the foil. Turn the items occasionally.
- When you are done, get the silver items out. Do this using a tool, so that you won’t burn your skin. Next, rinse them with clean water to remove the residues. If you are dealing with jewelry or other small items, rinse them in a bowl of clean water. You don’t want to use running water since small items might go down the drain.
- Pat dry with a soft cotton cloth. Leave the items to dry overnight.

Things To Be Careful With
- Always use tools when removing or placing the silver items in the boiling water to prevent burn.
- If you are cleaning jewelry, be careful. The process might cause the glue to dissolve, so the gems might fall out. Be cautious with jewelry that has gemstones. To keep your jewelry looking great, don’t miss another one of our useful posts: How to Preserve Your Jewelry
- When you are finished, throw the foil. If you want to clean Tarnished Silver With Baking Soda again, use a new sheet. The old one won’t do its job anymore.