Do you remember those hoverboards that everyone rides around, which are actually self-balancing scooters? Well, guess what, they can be quite expensive, but fortunately some creative minds have come up with an idea of how to make some without breaking the bank. And you are on the right place to find a tutorial of how to make your very own hoverboard.
It may sound to you pretty complicated, but once you have the right tools, you can try to make it with some effort. You can get the wheels for your hoverboard out of a children’s bike, like this one below.
Remove them from the bike, together with all of the bolts from the axle that don’t play a part in holding the bearing in. The other materials that you will have to use for this project are:
- two 24 volt scooter motors
- a 12 volt, 12 amp battery
- a 2″x 2″ piece of wood
- ¼ inch sheet of plywood
- ½ inch sheet of plywood
- wood glue
- screws
- epoxy
- small rubber wheels
And here is the video tutorial of how to make your own hoverboard. Enjoy!
SEE ALSO: A Vacuum Cleaner Made Out Of A Plastic Bottle?
We hope that you liked it and that you will try this amazing DIY project. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other DIY ideas that you can get inspried from.