How to Pack for a Luxury Vacation


Going on a luxury vacation is nothing short of exciting. Vacations such as this have the potential to be a lot of fun and ensure you get the rest and relaxation you need. However, packing for a luxury vacation can seem quite arduous, simply because you may not know how or where to start. Do not worry, this article will show you how to pack for a vacation ensuring you have everything you need the moment you jet off.


Fold your Clothes Properly

While you don’t have to be an expert in the art of folding clothes, making sure you fold all your clothes properly will help. Try not to screw any of your clothes up or fold them so small they end up being creased. Folding your clothes nicely and tucking in any shirt or sweater arms will do the job.

If you’re taking a hooded garment with you make sure you fold the hood down onto the back of the garment before you fold the sleeves over it. When you fold your clothes neatly they won’t take up too much room.

Find out What the Weather is Doing

While you’re online checking out the latest Voyage Prive offers why not see what the weather is doing in your destination of choice? You can only really pack for your time away if you know what the weather is going to bring. Showers and a bit of wind are no problem if you have the right clothes with you. The explorer Bear Grylls was apparently once quoted as saying “There is no such thing as bad weather only the wrong clothes.” Make sure you take the right clothing with you and you’ll be fine.

Take a Light Suitcase with you

A light suitcase is so much easier to deal with than a heavy one. While you may want to pack your favorite outfits so you can wear them every night they could make your case a little too heavy. Remember you’ll need room in your suitcase for souvenirs. If you think you’re going to need a change of clothing every day take some laundry powder with you so you can wash your clothes. If you’re going somewhere hot you can hang your laundry out to dry in the sunshine.  

Take Time to Pack

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to packing for a luxurious vacation is to take your time. If you pack in a hurry, chances are you won’t take the right outfits or toiletries. Start to pack at least one week before you jet off as this will give you plenty of time to organize yourself and work out what you should and should not take. It’ll also give you plenty of time to get those special outfits dry cleaned.

Packing for a luxury vacation can be quite stressful but it really doesn’t need to be. With a bit of time, thought and effort you could end up packing exactly the right things so you have everything you need.