How To Prepare Your Patio For Spring Entertaining


Now that we find ourselves fully immersed into spring, it’s time to mark the start of entertaining season. This means that you will have to do some deep cleaning and get a beautiful patio set, where you can relax and enjoy the warm weather with your family and friends. We’ve put together  the ultimate guide to help you prepare your patio for the spring, so keep on reading!

Start With The Garden

Your garden likely doesn’t look its best following the harsh winter months. Spring is the best time for a makeover. Start with picking up the debris first, such as fallen leaves and broken branches. You’ll also want to clean up any plant or foliage residue before you proceed to plant new garden arrangements.. Prepare the soil by adding some nutrients for your plants.

Clean The BBQ

The next step is preparing your BBQ for the outdoor entertaining season. It’s probably somewhere in your storage, and you’ll need to give it a good cleaning before using it for the season. What’s the best way to clean a BBQ after not being used for a long time? Start by dissolving some dishwashing liquid in warm water. Dip a sponge and give it a good cleaning. You’ll have to give it a good scrub to ensure there’s no  grease and dirt residue left. When you’re finished, wipe it down with a sponge dipped in clean water.

Patio Seating

Spring entertaining would not be complete without a beautiful patio set. If you don’t have one, now is a good time to get one, because you can currently find some good patio sets at huge discounts. Having an outdoor seating area  means that it will be prone to dust and dirt. This means that it requires some deep cleaning from time to time. Different materials require different cleaning methods, so make sure that you pick the proper one to avoid damage to your patio set.


Here is a quick guide for how to clean each one:


Wood is a high-quality natural material, which needs proper maintenance. Use a brush and warm soapy water to get rid of any dirt. The brush will help you clean all of the tiny holes and creases. After you rinse, place on a sunny spot and leave it to dry. Also, make sure that you check the manufacturer’s manual because some types of wood need a finish, such as oil or special products.


Metal outdoor furniture is highly durable and easy to clean. Use soapy water to clean the surface.  However, rust is the only problem that you may experience. Make sure that you do routine checks for any rust. If it appears, treat it right away according to the manual. Treatment can include sanding off the rust and sealing the spot with paint.


This is the cheapest option that is easy to be cleaned. Use soap and water to get rid of any accumulated dirt and dust. Feel free to use the hose to rinse it off, because plastic is sturdy and durable.